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lochlainn t1_j4yny3w wrote

Look at it in terms of GDP. France and Germany are sending embarassingly little compared to places like the UK, Canada, Poland, the former Soviet Baltic states (Estonia gave a whopping 1.1% of their GDP and Latvia 0.93%) a whopping 1.1% of their GDP), or Norway.

For a country that suffered under Russian occupation, they aren't giving like the rest, that's for sure.

The US gave 0.23% of its GDP, comparable to Canada.


Venetax t1_j4yuy6i wrote

>Combining financial assistance, humanitarian aid, and weapon deliveries put together, the German government has sent €5.45 billion directly to Ukraine this year. It’s also channeled a further €7.15 billion to help fund EU initiatives for Ukraine, making for a combined total of €12.6 billion in German support.

Germany overall has sent ~0.3% of its GDP.


lochlainn t1_j4z1rhm wrote

A shame they can only throw money, and not actual military aid, then.
