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dblan9 t1_j3mv0jd wrote

Has anyone ever gotten away with one of these donation scams?


AussieJeffProbst t1_j3mvx1s wrote

The only reason they didnt is because they only gave the homeless guy $75k. He found out they made over $400k and turned their asses in.

Its entirely possible if they had given him a bigger chunk they would have gotten away with it.

In case you're wondering the homeless guy was in on it too...

Edit: Here you go:


Strificus t1_j3mxksg wrote

Did he lose the $75k?


AussieJeffProbst t1_j3myze4 wrote

Oh yeah. He got lucky though, in that he's the only one out of the three who didn't get sent to jail.


CandidEstablishment0 t1_j3n6ewn wrote

I hate paying to read


crazypyro23 t1_j3ps5ra wrote

And this is why you always make sure the terms are equitable beforehand. Come on, this is like Heist 101!


AussieJeffProbst t1_j3qlj43 wrote

Well the OG fundraiser was for $10k. I think it blew up and greed got the better of them.


AudibleNod OP t1_j3mxa1e wrote

The ones that get away probably never make the news. It's probably less viral and less news-worthy. While at the same time equally heart-warming and heartstring tugging.


hizeto t1_j3o50kn wrote

Think a youtuber did a "socia experiment' where he gave a homeless guy $100 to see what he'd do with it. The homeless guy bought food for his freinds and people were touched by the story they donated hundreds thousands to the homeless man. Later it was revealed that the social experiment was staged. The homeless man also died of alcoholism and hte youtuber kept the money


Advice2Anyone t1_j3nid9n wrote

Literally all the time, problem here was how much money got raised and it got caught in the news cycle and then homeless dude turned them in


DrinkenDrunk t1_j3qba4b wrote

If they got away with it we wouldn’t know it was a scam. So, probably.