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Fulker01 t1_j52a57r wrote

"I just want what I worked for."

Nobody "works" for $82 million dollars.


BubbaTee t1_j53xh8x wrote

So you're basically arguing workers should never be given stock options or other ownership shares as compensation, because there's a chance those shares could one day increase in value. How very robber baron of you.


Fulker01 t1_j54tfg1 wrote

You sound like a guy who owns a few NFTs.


mlc885 t1_j55e4g1 wrote

Why would we let some shady company ignore his contract just because the amount of money is silly? I don't think we can really claim that he took advantage of them, if the agreement added up to many millions and they never paid it then they still owe it to him. Just like a company could owe me 1k or 10k or a million.


CharlotteTheHarlot22 t1_j532bdd wrote

Well your mom sure didn't, or else your childhood nickname wouldn't have been Payless Patrick.
