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AintEverLucky t1_j53a33a wrote

Anybody know if the lawsuit revealed why Celsius tried to stiff him? Did they simply think he wouldn't lawyer up and get what he had coming to him?


Kumbackkid t1_j53k3jg wrote

He had bonus shares of 500,000 if they met certain numbers. They claimed they didn’t until he actually dig into it and they actually exceeded expectations


AintEverLucky t1_j53osmu wrote

did they even provide him with the original 250,000 shares? because the numbers I've seen ITT -- an $82MM award, divided by a share price of about $98 each -- tells me that they stiffed him about all of it. not just the 500,000 bonus shares


Foodwithfloyd t1_j53uaub wrote

That's correct. They essentially tried to stiff him on both the initial vest and bonus vest. No idea how anyone thought this was gonna fly


AintEverLucky t1_j540mrd wrote

> No idea how anyone thought this was gonna fly

Jesus tapdancing Christ. "Hey, you signed the deal -- how about you honor the deal?"