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5xad0w t1_j3oh0tl wrote

Swanton coach Aaron Brown, Jr. was told to leave after reportedly grabbing one of his wrestlers by the neck.


grizzlyzach OP t1_j3oieow wrote

.....after previously hitting a students butt in an aggressive disciplinary spank and later knocking victim number 2 into the bleachers....the wrestler who got grabbed by the neck was assault number 3 by my count and apparently the first point which someone decided to say something. Idk where the school resource officer was.


tetoffens t1_j3on6am wrote

Bit more serious than just a grab according to the witness, it was an outright full on violent assault. He grabbed his neck and then:

> “This grown man grabbed this kid by the back of the neck and slammed him into the gym wall.”

> “I have never screamed at a stranger so loudly in my life. He then slammed him into a set of metal double doors leading to the hallway, but didn’t push the bar to open the doors, so the kids head rammed into the doors first.”

> “Then he opened the doors and threw him out into the hall. People in the stands were shouting and I was standing in the middle of the mat screaming at him to stop and pointing to make sure people knew what to look at.”


ImJ2001 t1_j3op87a wrote

Fuck this "coach" Where are the battery to minor (3x) coming???


grizzlyzach OP t1_j3pt2x2 wrote


leo_aureus t1_j3rd9jq wrote

You are correct, I would think the top regional news in my hometown of Toledo would be large enough to not cover the story as if it were written by Swanton's local newspaper by the guy's nephew or something. That is awful reporting.


[deleted] t1_j3pr1p1 wrote

And not a single parent beat the shit out of him? Wow. You’d have to hold me back if I saw a grown man doing that to my kid, let alone a MIDDLE SCHOOLER. Jfc


PuellaBona t1_j3pd3nc wrote

This was at a middle school wrestling meet ffs. This coach is going to end up killing somebody.


gnusmas5441 t1_j3pl34n wrote

This guy needs to be in jail.


leo_aureus t1_j3rdh0v wrote

They should be looking very deeply into this guy's past and also looking at themselves, that is shameful.