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unwanted_puppy t1_j42ofkp wrote

> direct democracy, council democracy, democratic centralism like some of the parties in Peru rn

Translation: referendums, local governments, and single party rule

So your revolutionary new idea is to empower the existing parties you like through voting…? What is the point of violently destroying a system and starting from scratch… if you’re end goal is replacing it with a similar or identical system anyway? Why not just remove the elements of corruption instead?


Generic-Commie OP t1_j45e7me wrote

> Translation: referendums, local governments, and single party rule

That is NOT what that means holy shit bro what is u on😭

> if you’re end goal is replacing it with a similar or identical system anyway? Why not just remove the elements of corruption instead?

Appartently you've discovered something everyone else has missed if you think Leninist Democratic Centralism = liberal democracy (Somehow???)