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Wouldwoodchuck t1_j3ulbs6 wrote

Definitely, trust but verify. And that first part is getting more and more risky. We gotta hold the government accountable at all levels or they are just going to waste this beautiful place.


Pjinmountains t1_j3ummdd wrote

We need more tax cuts for the rich…maybe that will fix it?


MobileAccountBecause t1_j3unoss wrote

And less intrusive regulations on private enterprise, so that we privatize public utilities, make them unaccountable to the public, and create laws shielding them from all liability. If we did all this then we would never hear about contaminated water again because who cares about the poors, as long as they pay their bills. /s


SunsetKittens t1_j3upjj0 wrote

People got to switch out their pipes every so often.

And if a landlord don't switch out his pipes he got to get no rent until he does. Enforce standards.

Sounds like Baltimore's not Flint. The main water structure is ok. It's just houses with rusted pipes all over the place.


elemental333 t1_j3utt0f wrote

And this doesn't even mention the issue of high amounts of lead in the water in Baltimore City AND the surrounding counties...that is so high that lots of schools have had to completely remove their water fountains (this specifically has happened in at least Anne Arundel, Baltimore County, and Baltimore City). In 2018, 19 schools within my county (some literally 5 minutes away from my home) tested too high for lead and had to have water outlets shut off. One school in my same suburb/city had 71 separate, individual water outlets that had to be immediately shut off because they were tested at over 20pbb (EPA guideline).

In Maryland, we have zipcodes that are considered to be at-risk for lead exposure and part of Maryland law is before sending a child to daycare and/or public school, if you live in one of the MANY zipcodes listed, you have to get their blood tested for lead. We never drink straight tap water (always filtered) and have tested our water multiple times, but the concern is always there.


Narrator-to-gods t1_j3uyih2 wrote

Ask yourself this question: in a country so rich, why are the people and communities so ravaged and poor? Why so many gated communities and why so many shops with their wares behind glass?

How can this be?


podkayne3000 t1_j3uyviw wrote

What's really awful is that we get these stories after the water systems went around demonizing bottled water.


Lamont-Cranston t1_j3v33y6 wrote

The country is falling apart for those who are not rich.


Jesuskrust1313 t1_j3v8uet wrote

If only somebody would have say proposed a giant infrastructure bill that had loads of money in it to tackle exactly this problem,and If only people would have voted enough of the party that wanted that big infrastructure bill passed into office? 😂


Lamont-Cranston t1_j3vprh0 wrote

The trick is hiding the agenda behind a facade of reactionary appeals. They don't campaign promising to screw their voters they campaign on 'traditional values', religious fundamentalism, guns, racism, nativism, bathroom bills, trans students, etc


Showerthawts t1_j3vz8hi wrote

Let's keep bickering over social issues while the ruling class poisons our water and enjoys theirs through cutting edge filters.


pheisenberg t1_j3w1rmc wrote

The article doesn’t describe a “national” problem. “By the EPA’s own estimates, the nation’s drinking and wastewater infrastructure will require more than $744 billion over the next 20 years,” which sounds like a lot but is about 30 cents per day per person.

Conditions in the US are spotty. It appears water is a problem in some cities scattered around the country. “The federal government’s share of capital spending in the water sector fell from 63% in 1977 to about 9% of total capital spending by 2017, according to the ASCE.” That’s an interesting shift, a kind of de-nationalization. Strange how the US political system started falling apart the moment it won the Cold War and lost its unifying enemy.


CarltonSagot t1_j3w66qq wrote

Why don't they just buy delicious bottled water by Nestle™?


docmedic t1_j3wbjfv wrote

Usually racism/classism. It starts off as icky black poors, let’s move. Then it just spirals downward because generational poverty worsens things, I.e. whole cities without a tax base to fund their infrastructure.

But now people take no responsibility for their fellow people by saying municipal mismanagement. Thanks conservative scholar shits!


DefaultVariable t1_j3wcapl wrote

Uh. It costs like $200 for a high quality water filtration system for drinking water. We’ve been using them forever in places that have high mineral content in the water..

E: Ah yes, the classic “poor people can’t afford a $200 item that’s a great benefit to health.” How many poor people do you guys actually know?


suckitlikealollypop t1_j3wifqj wrote

This is news to me, thanks. Apparently the action level is now 5pbb, in AACO anyway. It’s sad that you can’t even drink water at school without worry. My kids school isn’t even on the water report list for some reason so now I have that to worry about.. I want to check my tap water too!


jjolla888 t1_j3wmcvc wrote

the US is not one country.

the bottom 60% live paycheck-to-paycheck. they tread water just waiting for the misery to end. they are "transparent" to the rest. they are kinda no different to people of a 3rd world country.

so when you say "a country so rich" you are really referring to the top 40%. actually the wealth is only in the top 20% .. the other 20% have the american dream that one day they will reach this club .. except only a small number will realize it.


Xerit t1_j3x6rup wrote

And cutting taxes and the government programs they fund to line rich peoples pockets is solid red.

What do you want to bet if we dig in we will find federal funds being withdrawn and state taxes being cut by republican lead moves leading to an infrastructure crisis?


chrisms150 t1_j3xn524 wrote

It's a pretty shit plan if they actually planned it.

Great, the country fell apart. You made a ton of money. But no where in the world is isolated from the fallout (potentially literally) of a destabilized US....


Showerthawts t1_j3xnwsy wrote

Irrelevant to people who don't have $200 to spend. If only we could have clean drinking water in a 1st world country for the low, low price of 20-30% of our income each year in taxes. I guess one can dream.


personoid t1_j3ytqx9 wrote

Damn…maybe this is why so many of Baltimore student struggle in school and crime is so high…town is being poisoned


Dolly_gale t1_j3zdoer wrote

Fine point: but it doesn't sound like there is lead in the water so much as there are old metal fixtures (like old water faucets) at the schools that contain lead. Lead used to be used as solder to join pipes together, and it used to be more common in metal alloys. Water dissolves some of it if it remains in contact with the surface for a long time (like when the water hasn't been run in an empty school over the weekend). Usually samples at schools are collected at a time to see the "worst case scenario" of water that's been sitting still in contact with pipes and fixtures.

It's a problem that needs to be addressed. However, it doesn't mean that the water going to the schools has an unsafe level of lead in it.


elemental333 t1_j401ew0 wrote

Any plumbing/metal plumbing fixtures that were installed prior to 1978 (that have not been renovated) are very likely to have lead…and it’s not just water fixtures, but also corrosion from lead service pipes leading into buildings that are still an issue. Maryland is a very old state, so there has been a lot of work to do. Since Maryland has been strict with lead testing and removing lead fixtures starting in the early 1990’s, the lead exposure rates have gone down drastically, but there’s still a lot of work to do.

And yes, the mandate specified water had to be tested after sitting in the pipes between 8-18 hours. A worst case scenario is still important to test…the kid who gets dropped off to school first every day and immediately needs a drink of water still matters.