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kstinfo t1_j6al6en wrote

The plaintive was on Cuomo's security detail and told investigators he allegedly subjected her to sexual remarks and on occasion ran his hand or fingers across her stomach and her back. The lawsuit seeks damages for “severe mental anguish and emotional distress.”

Cuomo is, in fact, another political lecher and New Yorkers probably shouldn't have elected him governor. At various times they could have picked Kirsten Gillibrand or Zephyr Teachout or Cynthia Nixon. Along with getting elected, though, he does get legal coverage for activities while in office.

At the same time it seems to me that Cuomo's accuser is riding on the coattails of other far more deserving targets of his advances. Not least of which...

According to Politico, Cuomo used the weeks after his resignation to mount a revenge campaign against his successor Kathy Hochul and other perceived enemies, financing it with $18 million of leftover campaign donations.
