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buckyVanBuren t1_j6iz184 wrote

Yeah, The Cuomo administration’s March 25 directive barred nursing homes from refusing people just because they had COVID-19. Such a life saver. And intentionally lying about his COVID numbers, so he could look like he was doing better than he really was. What a champ. It is now nearly 15,000 up from the 8,500 previously disclosed.

On March 5, 2021, the New York legislature voted 43–20 in the Senate and 107–43 in the Assembly to strip Cuomo of his emergency powers. 


sunnygirlrn t1_j6kyyog wrote

Do you actually have any idea how many covid patients died in Florida, and Oklahoma, and this was after the delta strain, when we actually had a vaccine. Both of these governors hid actual Covid numbers, New York was ground zero, and extremely vulnerable. lessons were learned. I brought my mother home from the nursing home until the vaccine was available. I’m not saying Cuomo had all the answers, but he was at least being reasonable not crazy.


sunnygirlrn t1_j6kxo6a wrote

So, as a nurse, here’s what you do. Develop a wing for covid only patients, like we did in the hospitals. We didn’t turn them away either.


sunnygirlrn t1_j6kz8vn wrote

And Nurses also adore dr. Fauci, so don’t even go there. So, now you know.