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ryesci t1_j40pu22 wrote

Father works at IBM for the last 3 decades. All of his coworkers are Indian outsourced. They always break shit and call my dad on his days off. Tragic.

IBM is a trash company.


011010001101001 t1_j412m3j wrote

Same at Oracle. For years they've hired hundreds of low-paid, low-skilled IT workers from India who are woefully under-qualified, and lean HARD on a literal handful of US-based senior engineers, architects, and developers to do the important work, go to meetings, give presentations, etc.

As you can imagine, there's a year+ backlog of work, it keeps building up, and more than half the week is spent fixing stuff they broke, or being tier 2/3 support for them because they can't read logs and have no idea what to do except press the Enter key to run the automation we created for them.


vir_papyrus t1_j41bgqf wrote

It’s what I see everyday at companies who went to offshored MSPs or whatever. They keep a few senior domestic workers who have that tribal knowledge and more or less know what they’re doing. Rest are just distant worker bees who have no real incentive to care. But the entire setup means that everything is so rigid in process and lacks higher level talent, that everyone gets stuck just treading water. “This is how <x> works, and so we just keep doing it” it’s all about keeping the lights on.

Ultimately it becomes nearly impossible for them to actually do anything new. There’s just no room for big change because the whole setup is so inflexible. Simply no one who has the time, talent, political power, and patience to say take <x> technology and run with a new implementation. No one who can be creative and see how the big picture puzzle pieces fit together for their own organization.

And eventually over time because change has become such a monumental task, they basically atrophy. Hopelessly out of date. They look at solutions and products that are too new to support a company still operating like it’s 2003 instead of 2023.


fiordchan t1_j44t3ld wrote

Deloite USA is now over 70% Indians. Partners? all white


ScreamingMemales t1_j41yazv wrote

>As you can imagine, there's a year+ backlog of work, it keeps building up, and more than half the week is spent fixing stuff they broke, or being tier 2/3 support for them because they can't read logs and have no idea what to do except press the Enter key to run the automation we created for them.

That's wild. I worked at IBM the last few years and our offshore team was always harder working and better performing than the onshore team. Those guys work crazy long shifts for way less money.


zOSguru t1_j48mbzn wrote

And produce shit quality software


ScreamingMemales t1_j48mqb4 wrote

The real shit was the onshore team's work, which had to be fixed overnight by the offshore guys most weeks. Not saying every team is like that but offshore guys can be smart too. But its hard for them to leave their whole family network behind to come here for a better job.


cutebabies0626 t1_j410219 wrote

My husband almost got a job at IBM but he turned them down. He said he’s glad he did.


imtourist t1_j41hz2v wrote

Blame the capitalists in the US which are the stockholders, executives and their enablers in the government. They have been driving the offshoring of jobs and technologies for decades now in the interest of short term profits and related bonuses. We are waking up too late now to realize the destruction that his wrought, the strategic error of being reliant on China and other countries that are not exactly friendly to the US and the West.

BTW I used AIX back in the 90s and it truly sucked back then too.


terenn_nash t1_j41x8d4 wrote

my company has been offshoring to india for the last year now, my team just got hit. but its ok, we wont see offshore mistakes financial impact for 3 years when the medicare audits hit and we start losing hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars from what my team has been doing flawlessly for a decade +.

but hey those 10 $38k salaried positions were really a drag on the bottom line and medicare is totally forgiving.......


xt1nct t1_j41o1nz wrote

We have an old ibm erp system. I develop apps around it.

We needed a data provider from IBM all the other databases give you that for free since you are already paying for the database. Not IBM $11k and their support is complete trash. Missing documents.

IBM had their own forum and when people were having issues asking questions IBM employees would respond with “sent you private message”. Like wtf a forum is so someone can search it and find a solution, but IBM is probably trying to milk them for money.

Fuck IBM. The worst fucking company in the tech space.


[deleted] t1_j415qm9 wrote



[deleted] t1_j419dxc wrote



[deleted] t1_j41g7k9 wrote



[deleted] t1_j41nkh6 wrote



Sunapr1 t1_j41ri0u wrote

Yeah sorry i deleted my comments. i read wrong Aplogies


[deleted] t1_j41u1pc wrote



Sunapr1 t1_j420sxr wrote

Oh njce ..i also would be coming for postdoc abroad in states after phd completion hoping to have a good time there