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TheRedContinues t1_j62s9fq wrote

This happened in my hometown. The guy is a police officer from about ten towns over, and he was on a federal interstate when this happened in an unmarked car so of course the guy wouldn't pull over. He followed him to a pizza place just off the highway, cornered him, then shot him. We often have problems with police in the area being brutal for no reason and doing shit like this, so I am not surprised that this happened. But he shouldn't of been acquitted from it. Just more cops doing bullshit in a state that's supposed to be 'liberal'.


OssiansFolly t1_j63jav1 wrote

"Violence against police is on the rise!"

Yeah, no's kill or be killed for some people. That's why the entire premise of more guns means more polite civilization is always want to be the first person to shoot.


TheRedContinues t1_j63mm57 wrote

In this case the victim was an unarmed teenager who was speeding and made the police office angry, so in response he cornered and shot him. It wasn't necessarily kill or be killed, unless I misunderstood you.


OssiansFolly t1_j63txkf wrote

I wasn't speaking in this case specifically. Police want to know why violence against them is's because of shit like this. People expect police to be violent and get away with it, so they're fighting back.


Mparker15 t1_j64uc2l wrote

Violence against police isn't up in any meaningfully way. Police kill more people and are killed less often in the line of duty than several decades ago. There is a recent uptick but it's still a rarity. It's not so much actual violence that police are facing but rather public disapproval of police in general that they absolutely cannot handle.


Chippopotanuse t1_j63n37z wrote

Undercover cops should only be used for stakeouts and court-approved warrant operations.

Police should never be doing this bullshit unmarked car traffic citation crap. Why would a motorist trust that an unmarked car is really a cop?