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Jillredhanded t1_j5zttkg wrote

Mine knows I'm in Canada but nothing beyond that, been 4 years. Do not miss.


Cormetz t1_j61izzx wrote

I have a crazy story like this.

I knew my friend's youngest sister had a falling out with the rest of the family, but figured they would have patched things up in the 5 years since I had heard anything about it. My brother happened to run into his sister in Kathmandu of all places, so I texted my friend, the conversation was as below:

Me: hey, my brother just ran into X

Friend: oh is he in DC now?

Me: no Kathmandu?

Friend: have time for a call??

Basically they have had no contact to her since like 2016, and had no idea her husband had moved from being a musician to being an aide worker. He was blown away. I actually went to visit my brother a few weeks later and met up with her, she wasn't upset I mentioned it luckily.