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davetowers646 t1_j6nnk80 wrote

There's got to be times if you're running a theocracy when you must think, "What the fuck are we doing?"


jackanape7 t1_j6nnwll wrote

I'll go out on a limb and say they probably don't have a second thought about any of the crazy shit they do.


Archmage_of_Detroit t1_j6opiy0 wrote

No, they do. They think "this is awesome!"

Look at DeSantis. He's an intelligent man. He's charging teachers with felonies for teaching students that gay people exist because he likes it. Running a dictatorial regime is fun for him.


Prophet_Tehenhauin t1_j6ou4v1 wrote

You mean the guy who oversaw torture at Gitmo enjoys hurting people? Whoddathunkit?


Counter-Fleche t1_j6o7qjx wrote

Deep thinkers don't run theocracies. Zealots and authoritarians do, and they only think about how to control others.