Submitted by X_Marcie_X t3_117stlk in nosleep

Years ago, I witnessed something I should not have. For the sake of discretion, I will adopt the name Sarah for this post, although it doesnt really matter. I was born and raised in a small town in germany. Where exactly is irrelevant. I am certain that what is happening isnt just limited to me or to my country, which is why I have decided to make this post.

For some context, I live alone with nothing but my loving grandma and our dog. We live in a small appartement consisting of my grandma's bedroom, my own room, a larger living room, a very small kitchen and an even smaller bathroom. This will be important later as I detail what exactly is happening.

Furthermore, important to understand is that our apartment is build with an hallway-type system, where you have one long, thin hallway with the entrance on one end and the small bathroom at the other, four doorways leading to the remaining rooms I have listed prior. The living room also has a door leading to a decently sized balcony. The balcony can be overseen through a very large triple window hetup we had installed recently, courtesy of our landlord. Especially at night, half the living room would now be cast in a dark blue shadow, mixed from both, moonlight and the night itself.

It was the home I grew up in, with a beautiful view out of every window and only a handful of morally questionable neighbors to irritate me. I was happy here, until precisely two years ago.

Two years ago, June 2021, I was awoken from my safe and deep sleep when I heard a weird noise coming from my window. Now, we are on the second level of our building and while we do have a tree behind the house, it's way to far away from any window to disturb us.

I was, for obvious reasons, confused and irritated, but didnt think much of it at first. However, I personally struggle with keeping up on my hydration on a serious medical level, so whenever I wake up I have this unquenchable desire for some Water or fruit Juice - anything to stop my stomach from aching.

Feeling the pain once again, I decided to quickly go through our hallway into the kitchen to fix myself a quick drink before heading back to bed.

At night, our hallway always unsettled me. Sure, I had the glorious beam of light coming from our hallway lamp to protect me, but the switch was literally on the other end of the hallway. There was something off about this hallway at night. Not necessarily the darkness, either. Due to my grandma being claustrophobic, we leave pretty much all the doors open. Walking through our hallway just makes you feel exposed, there's a doorway providing a corner to hide behind every two steps.

Brave as I was, i carried on, getting to the kitchen and pouring myself a nice, cold glass of water. And there it was again. The noise. A tapping of some kind? I wanted to chalk it off as some animal, maybe a bird having interest in our windows. But I got curious. This lead me to making the biggest mistake of my life.

I decided to listen for the tapping, trying to pinpoint the exact origin of the noise. The livingroom.

Being brave as always, I quickly turned on the hallway lights, then peeked into the livingroom - only for my heart to almost stop.

Outside, on the balcony, a tall, slim figure with a massive, disturbing grin observed me. He stood there, his head leaning to one side like that of a puppy after he saw that I noticed him. I was paralyzed by fear when his grin grew larger and he slowly pressed himself against the window, making more of his physical features much clearer.

He seemed humanoid in form, having a slender human-like torso. He had two wide, thin shoulders leading to two extremely long and thin arms! His legs seemed to mirror the form if the arms, abnormally long and slender. His neck seemed almost human in a disturbing way, while his head was anything but human. He had this almost cartoon-like oversized grin with Massive teeth, grey eyes with clearly visible veins bulging out of his face and a heavily scarred nose that reminded me of Chris Walker from Outlast!

In retrospect, you couldnt reasonably blame me for thinking I was just dreaming or hallucinating! However, there was something off. I wanted to go the child's route, storm my grandma's room and cry myself out about the freshly discovered monster! But I did not dare to look away from it. With some courage, I turned to face the direction my grandma's room was in, then quickly turned back to whatever this thing was.

He slowly lifted one of his arms, revealing a long, spindly hand that honestly reminded me more of a spider than of a human appendage. The fact that his fingers where adorned by long, yellowish fingernails did not help. He lifted his finger against the glass window, tapping three times before pointing at me. He then pointed into the direction of my grandma's room, shushing at me. He tapped three times again, leaving some kind of black mud on the window. I passed out and Fell unconcious shortly after.

When I woke up, I was in the local Hospital, sorrounded by doctors, nurses and my grandma. A tube was connected to my arm, slowly pumping blood into my veins. I tried to explain what happened but the doctors quickly brushed it off as the delusions and hallucinations of a dehydrated mind. I was given medication and allowed back home after enough fluid had been pumped into me.

I was almost inclined to believe the doctor's explaination on what I saw, but when we returned home, I saw that the black mud was still on the window just like it was when I passed out! This made me wary, and for good reason.

I never forgot the noise of the tapping, it felt distinct and threatening. More so did I never forget the amount : He tapped three times, and my First encounter with him was two years ago. Ever since, I constantly see him stalk me in some way or another! I find claw markings on random wooden furniture, get random goosebumps whenever passing the livingroom and constantly feel like im being watched by something!

For the last two years, this "Mud-Man" as I've come to call him, has been stalking me im ways no Human could. I find tiny drops of black mud in my closet and occasionally see a shape similar to his in the corner of my eye.

I have tried to do research on this entity, but all I got where results for the Slenderman and the Grossman, which is am ancient german folktale about a tall, slender figure that kidnaps children.

No one wants to believe me, thinking I just have some brain trauma or unsolved delusions since I passed out. I have no ways to find out what it going on or how to defend myself. And we are getting closer to june : the month I first saw the Mud-Man. Im afraid.

The last few months, we repeatedly found deep clawmarks and drops of black mud on our windows and balconydoor. My grandma believes this to be some sort of animal. She doesnt believe my Story and neither does she show any interest in the mud. But due to being scared that it's a burglar, I atleast maned to convince her to repeatedly swap out the locks. I dont think that will be enough.

We are closing in on the third tap, the Mud-Man wants inside and I doubt I'll be able to stop him. I am spending this night, wary of my sorroundings, to type down this post. To warn you all. To inspire you to prepare yourself before HE arrives. And I am certain that He will. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually, He will. I can hear him clawing at the lock, tapping on the windows. Never investigate. Do Not let him in. You may wish me luck for the remainder of my time, but I do not suppose it will be of any use. He's here. Soon.



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XJustBrowsingRedditX t1_j9eaugu wrote

Maybe he's not malevolent and he was trying to tell you something was in your grandma's room? Some of entities look scary but mean well. I hope that's what's going on here, but stay vigilant.


WielderoftheDarkness t1_j9fy1wc wrote

Is your window on ground/first floor? What did doctors say? What was blood loss caused by?

Your experience reminds me of a few NoSleep stories (for example: and the scene from the movie "Salem's Lot" (1979), where the friend shows up at the window asking for him to open the window.

A nice salt line in front of your windows/doors (you can also make a giant unbroken circle around the bed for additional protection. Salt has long been considered pure and used as a preventative to supernatural occurrence. Sandalwood is another good resource), a nice motion activated camera, a nice phone call to the police explaining the timeframe(s) when the tapping most recently happened. Let them know you awoke to knocking, found the prints the following day and are concerned it was a potential break-in. They will know if there have been any robberies in your neighborhood or even sketchy people they have run-ins with. If it's a smaller town, they will also probably drive by a few times for the next couple of nights just to keep their eyes out for anything sketchy. (god-forbid something did happen like a break-in) It will start a papertrail and provide useful info, as it's not uncommon for a house to be cased prior to the actual crime.

I also recommend this one method of catching your stalker: when you suspect someone is outside and it's dark, or even if it's not dark but you see something weird, just take pictures as those will always be helpful.

Additionally, you can:

  • Download an app on your phone that records as soon as it detects motion (if you want this, I can try to find the name!);
  • Put some glue traps outside the window, so hopefully he will leave physical evidence behind when he shows up again;
  • Get/have a dog or dogs is a known deterrent for criminals;
  • Get a can of wasp spray. It works like pepper spray only you don't have to get too close and it's harder to get off;
  • Also, get a baseball bat. You will be amazed how fast and hard you can swing that thing when you are scared and over it.

If things are getting worse, don't scream/call for help, scream "Fire!". My mother taught me to do that, she always said people move quicker when their lives and property could be at risk.

I really hope you're ok, and please keep us updated!


aularegia t1_j9eptfn wrote

Is grandma hiding something? Could this have to do anything at all with her being claustrophobic?


Lacygreen t1_j9ngbi2 wrote

You think it’s grandma’s ex muddy bf?


lonelyslav2005 t1_j9hcshw wrote

The way you describe the flat, reminds me of my old flat. It sounds so similar its extremly unsetteling