Submitted by girl_from_the_crypt t3_10s4uvu in nosleep

My heart still pounding wildly, I got out of the bathtub, dried myself off and got dressed. I trotted down the stairs to join my brother in the living room. He was holding onto his cell phone with a white-knocked grip. When he looked up at me, it was with wide, empty eyes.

"That was Dad," he told me. "I just got off the phone with him."

"What did he say?" I asked, the hairs on my neck standing on end.

"Okay, so… he picked up the third time I called and I told him I was here. With you." Casimir let out a deep sigh, raking a slender hand through his hair. "I think he kind of got an idea about what was going on then already. He went all quiet and then I said, we know what you did, and he said he wanted to come over. He'll be here in a few days."

I swallowed thickly. "He will?"

"Yeah." Cas lightly kicked the wooden floorboards. "That's okay with you, right?"

"I guess so. But this isn't gonna end well. He's gonna… I-I'll have to…" My voice faltered. "I mean, he killed people. He wanted to kill the woods." Probably even me, I added in my mind.

"Yeah. I know. And whatever you're gonna do, I'll have your back."

I stepped forward and wrapped him into a hug. He sighed into my shoulder.

Little brother.

I don't know why, but those two words have never felt this wonderful up until now.

"I love you." My voice was low and brittle.

"I love you, too, Fi."

Warm, peaceful silence. Casimir's heated cheek pressing against mine as snowflakes started raining from the steel-gray sky outside, the wind gluing them to the windowpanes. And then, all of a sudden, a choked sob.

"Fiona, I need to tell you something."

It came out as a shaky plea whispered against the side of my head. Cas didn't untangle himself from our embrace.

"Alright," I answered, holding him a little tighter.

"I-I can't. I don't…" He faltered and trailed off. "I need you to know but it feels too strange to say."

"Is it a big thing?"


"Do you maybe wanna tell me bit by bit?"

"Okay. Yeah, uh, that might work." He straightened up, raising his head. "You know how I said I took time off to come here? That wasn't entirely true. I quit."

"You quit?" I repeated, perplexed but making an effort to keep my tone steady and gentle. I didn't want to pry too much. Cas nodded, and I narrowed my eyes at him. "I thought you loved your job."

"I did. But that's not how I want to spend my time anymore." He squared his shoulders. "That's all I wanna say at the moment. I don't wanna be weird or rude or whatever, I just… need to get my head straight. It's really nice to be here with you, though—I want you to know that."

Ominous. I still forced a smile. "That's fine. And you can stay for however long you like." I meant it. The money wasn't a problem. Actually, something occurred to me—with the property obscured from the eyes of outsiders, perhaps I could let some of the workers go in the near future. It'd be sad and probably cause me some more headaches down the line, but that way, I could easily afford to entertain multiple people at the estate with a little more financial security and peace of mind. Then again, that would mean I'd have to uphold my dealings with Nick… not the most pleasant prospect. Whatever the case, I would do anything to keep my brother around.

"Thanks for having me. There's no place I'd rather be." He cleared his throat. "The guards made it through the earthquake okay, by the way. It was a shock, obviously, but nobody's hurt."

I nodded slowly. "I'll send them home for the next couple days. Shit is gonna go down hard soon and I don't want to have them around for it. We don't really need any help right now, and keeping them around would only be putting them into unnecessary danger."

"Okay. Yeah, that's sensible, I guess."

I went about making the necessary calls, seeing each of the employees out as they passed by the house on their way off the property. Most of them didn't really question my unexplained decision. Gus was the only one who showed definitive concern. He tried to ask me if something was wrong, but I blew him off as gently as I could. I did think he deserved an explanation, but it was for the best. He gave in eventually and left, but not before throwing a glance back at me with that trusting yet reproachful look that kind of reminded me of an old, grumpy dog.

"So what now?" Cas asked as I shut the door behind the senior employee.

"I guess we wait."

First, I went upstairs. My father coming back was definitely a grave occasion, so I figured I'd have to look the part the next couple days. I can't say why exactly I cared—Lord knows I don't have any regard for the man. But I did want him to see me as a serious head of the house, someone who knows what she's doing. So I ended up picking the simplest and least flashy dress I owned; the kind of thing I normally only wear on dates.

Yup, I've done dates like this. I go out with normal people! It's not like I'm a total freak. Most folks were pretty taken aback by the whole wedding gown-thing, but not enough not to look past it for at least a little while.

Casimir and I spent the rest of the day watching movies. That was actually pretty nice, and while I couldn't dispel the thoughts of emotionally distant fathers and intrusive Devils showing up around the house, I rather enjoyed myself. It helped that the sweaters Cas had taken to wearing around the house are incredibly soft, so I could rest my head on him like a pillow. The evening brought more snow and calming reprieve. It felt weird looking out at the treeline and knowing that for the first time in ages, there wasn't a single human back there. I couldn't help but wonder how many corpses would show up once it would begin to thaw. For now, they'd lie in silence, slowly getting covered up in layers and layers of white. The thought made me shiver, despite striking me as oddly poetic.

Two mornings later, our doorbell rang.

It was so weird that the man whose arrival I had been dreading so much would simply come up to the house and ring the doorbell. I would have expected him to make an entrance like the ones Nick had been treating me to. Of course I'd known that wasn't actually going to happen, but it still made me feel sort of underwhelmed.

I sat down at the head of the kitchen table, back straight, hands in my lap. "Do I look serious?" I asked Cas, nervously fiddling with the lace sleeve of my dress.

"Sure. Just stop shaking and you're good to go. Should I open?"

"Please do," I said softly.

Cas nodded grimly, wiping his sweat-laced palms on his pants. "R-right," he breathed, looking this way and that before turning on his heel and heading for the door. I heard him pulling it open and exchanging awkward words of greeting with a rugged-voiced man.

I tried to focus on my breathing to soothe my nerves.

In. Out. In. Out.

Heavy footsteps in the hallway.

In. Out. In. Out.

I clenched my fingers into fists to stop them from trembling. Why was I afraid of him?

In. Out. In. Out.

Floorboards creaking under his weight.

In. Out. In. Out.

My brother's voice, introducing us like we didn't know each other. "So, Dad… remember your eldest? You guys haven't spoken in how long again?"

No response.

In. Out. In. Out.

I turned to face him.

My father had changed since I'd last seen him. His large, once handsome face had gained an abundance of wrinkles and two extra chins. His pale green eyes were bloodshot with deep bags beneath them and his reddened face told a story of someone who'd been to the bottoms of far too many bottles. How strange, for a man of his faith.

It had been a long time since I'd last attempted to focus on somebody's aura, but this time, I did. Mostly, it just made me feel weird. My father's energy bore a slight trace of the supernatural, though not in the way I was used to seeing. He must have been dabbling with witchcraft, though it was hard to tell what kind.

"Maxwell. Please take a seat," I said coldly, gesturing at the chair across from me.

The response was a mere grunt as he moved over, slowly letting himself sink into the cushion. We locked eyes. There was no love in his gaze, not even a hint of affection. No surprises there.

"Good to see you, girl," he said tonelessly.

I let out a bitter laugh. "Of course. So, Daddy, you've been busy. Care to tell me what the fuck your game is?"

"Nothing you could understand."

"Then why are you here, if not to explain yourself?"

"I've come to end this."

"Well, go right ahead. I'd very much like for you to cease your attempts at undermining me, wholly unsuccessful though they've been so far."

Maxwell leaned forward on his elbows. "Will you hear me out, then?"

"I certainly will. And I have a ton of questions."

Dad shrugged. "Might actually be easier that way. Go ahead."

I swallowed thickly. "Why do you look fifteen minutes away from dying?"

"I have high blood pressure, digestive problems and my heart seems to be in some kind of trouble as well. As you may have guessed from my looks, that all happened due to severe use of alcohol. I'm past saving at this point; I know I'll be drinking myself to death. Sooner rather than later, I believe."

"Oh." That was the only sound I could produce as I regarded my father with raised brows. The clarity with which he spoke was nothing short of determined. "Wh… how? Why are you doing that to yourself?"

Maxwell shrugged. "That's just how it is. It's been going on for a long time now. I'm well aware I won't be there to see the good that my work will do, and I know that I, too, live sinfully, but I know that it will be worth it."

"What will be worth it?"

"There's a power struggle going on at the moment. Chaos and order. They're at an imbalance, for reasons greater than your comprehension. And whether you like it or not, you happen to be a part of it. Your woods, to be exact."

"Ah. You're about to go on about that whole unclaimed territory-thing, aren't you? I've heard it before." I stapled my fingers, tilting my head at him. "Your adversary's filled me in."

"So it's true. Don't get me wrong, I knew you had dealings with the Devil, but it's something else to hear you say it." He exhaled, leaning back in his chair. "I'm not even all that surprised. My daughter, hell's whore."

"What did you just call her?" Cas growled, his voice deeper and angrier than I'd ever heard before. He was still standing beside the table, almost as if he expected the situation to escalate at any second and didn't trust the momentary calm enough to sit down.

"I will not have you speak to me like that under my roof," I said sternly. "You've got no authority here anymore. You're a guest, at best, and not even a beloved one. If you want to leave here in one piece, you should watch your mouth."

"Don't you get it? I don't care what you're gonna do to me. It doesn't matter. I have literally nothing to lose."

"I'll make you eat those words," I promised somberly.

Dad merely chuckled. He was definitely not the easiest person to intimidate. "You're just like your mom, you know that? A self-serving, stupid little cu—"

Before he could finish that sentence, Cas had slapped his square across the face. Our father let out a low groan as he slowly reached up to rub his jaw. "You've got a… a strong right arm there, son," he muttered, seemingly making an effort to sound relaxed.

"So do you want it, too? The sleeping entity?" I asked impatiently.

"You really are well informed. Yes, I do. So, do you happen to know where to find it?"

"Yup. Not gonna tell you, though. I guess I could, but you aren't making a sound argument by calling me names."

"You're saying you'd refuse to give up such important information purely out of spite?"

"Yeah, pretty much. But I also really don't think this is a good decision. There has always been a balance between chaos and order, why rock the boat now?"

My father let out a long-suffering sigh. "Because the situation is more volatile than it used to be."

"Since you're not going to explain yourself further, I stand by what I said. I have a responsibility towards the woodland denizens. Removing the sleeper from these grounds could be dangerous. I don't think an entity that powerful will take lightly to being roused. I happen to have made it stir in its sleep not too long ago, and it ended up being a mild natural catastrophe. I don't want to imagine what it could do if it lashed out. Especially since a trusted source has told me that it is, in fact, probably highly intelligent. It's made people go insane in the past. It can appear anywhere, anytime, if it so pleases. This thing waking up and wreaking havoc… that's not something I wanna risk." I straightened my back, fixing my father with a resolute gaze. "I'll protect my land at all costs."

Maxwell scoffed. "You and your land, it's always the fucking land… Why would you even care about this place? I never understood that. It was like that when you were a kid, too. One moment you were chewing my ear off about wanting to go and be a movie star, or make a career in fashion, and the next you'd go spouting all that same nonsense your mother did when I first met her! Old family duties and all that crap… Fiona, the world is not a big fucking forest anymore! These creatures who live here might seem powerful to you, but they're some of the last of their kind—and good riddance, too. The world belongs to us now."

"Not this part of the world," I said, not missing a beat. I flinched when the large man brought his hand down on the table with a slam.

"I knew it! I fucking knew you'd be that way! That's why I pulled all this off. I figured, maybe, with a couple good blows to your little system, you'd realize how vulnerable you are, but no, my daughter is as hard-headed as she is slutty."

"Why the fuck are you talking to her like this?" Cas barked, fire in his eyes.

"Why aren't you?" Dad shot back. "All this woman has ever done is hog your mother's attention, making her forget about the rest of us by crawling up her ass!"

"I didn't crawl up— What the hell are you even on about?" I snapped.

"You did! You know why your mother liked you best? You know why you were her little princess? She wanted you to live the life she'd planned for herself, before—"

"Before you got in the way," I interrupted him, voice low with sudden understanding.

My father rose from his chair. "I tried… I tried to change her. Do you think I was happy, having to live here? Taking on her last name? That's not how it was supposed to be… When I met her, I thought she needed a firm hand, you know, just to guide her to the right path. And she seemed open to it. And then she got pregnant with you, and we got married, and I had to come live in this den of freaks, and she… she…"

"She regretted it," I finished his sentence for him.

My father let out a sharp scream as he hurled himself across the table, the wood screaming in protest, but he didn't quite reach me. For a moment, he flopped around helplessly, trying to grab me as I jumped up and scurried away from him.

"What are you doing?" Casimir yelled, gripping the back of the older man's shirt and forcibly dragging him to the floor in a display of surprising strength. I'd forgotten how fit my little brother actually was. He was still rather clumsy when it came to hand-to-hand, though, and it showed when my father pulled him down with him and struck him square across the face. I instantly lunged forward, flinging myself on top of my father as well, but he pushed me right off, sending me rolling aside. My head connected with the floorboards with a dull pain, and it took me some effort to push myself back up, my vision blurry.

I screamed in horror when I saw that Dad had climbed on top of Casimir and was viciously slamming his upper body down onto the floor, meaty hands clutching his shoulders. Cas fell limp before I could reach him. Maxwell slowly rose to his feet, breathing heavily as he removed the handgun from my brother's waistband. "That boy… shoulda shot me when he had the chance," he pressed out, breathing heavily.

I choked out a sob as my eyes darted between Cas and him. I didn't have time to form any clear thoughts. I just kept repeating the word no in my head over and over again, like a mantra. Dad raised the gun, proceeding towards me as he faced me with an icy calm. His mouth lifted into a cruel smile, his swollen lips reminding me of twin caterpillars. "Tell me where it is, Fiona."

"You're insane."

How was this man my Dad? How in the world was he pointing a weapon at me?

This was not how this was going to end. Throwing one last look at my unconscious brother, I sent a prayer to… I didn't even know who. I didn't care. Let him be okay. For fuck's sake, let him be okay, or I'll turn the world upside down. Then, I took off running.

My only chance. My father wouldn't shoot me dead; I'd be useless to him that way, but I wasn't going to give him the chance to incapacitate me. I sprinted towards the front door, tearing it open and bursting outside. The snow crunched beneath my boots as I raced across the frozen ground. The fabric of my dress stretched wider, groaning with every leap that I took, until the tight long skirt finally ripped along the side, leaving it fluttering around my legs in the wind. Aleksei. Please don't be far. If I could just reach him in time, he'd be able to help me. I turned my head to find my father following behind me. His face was bright red and he was already gasping for air. He might have been stronger than me, but goddamn, was he slow.

I was approaching the Twin Lakes rapidly, the abandoned black mill looming overhead like a specter. No time to slow down. I ran right onto the ice, only to instantly lose my footing and skitter across the frozen surface. My fall was humiliatingly unceremonious and extremely painful. I landed on my chest, the impact knocking the air out of my body, leaving me gasping for breath in desperation. My arms were shaking too much to push me back up, and I cursed my own stupidity as I realized I had literally no strength left within me.

That's when I heard a sharp yell.

My father had reached me, stumbling after me onto the ice. But he wasn't able to keep his balance any longer than I had. He howled in shock as he tripped and fell, the gun slipping from his fingers and sliding across the lake, coming to a halt out of our reach. I glanced at it for a second, then back at the struggling man before lunging for the weapon.

I would have liked to, at least.

As it was, all I could do in my state was to hastily crawl towards it. My father appeared to have been struck with the same idea—I heard him wheezing and choking as he crept up the slippery surface. I was just relieved that the layer of ice was thick enough to support our joint weight.

"You bitch," he gritted out. "You're gonna doom us all!"

I looked back at him, meeting a bloodshot gaze amidst a contorted expression. His mouth hung open, blood gushing from his nose and lower lip—he seemed to have fallen onto his face. He made for a dreadful sight. He somehow managed to draw himself up, staggering over to me and throwing his entire weight onto my already aching body. I let out a cry of agony, feeling a crack somewhere inside of me, though I couldn't tell where. I had been reduced to a squirming heap of pain. He rolled off of me again, then made for the gun, and this time, he got a hold of it. I flopped over onto my back, staring at the cold gray sky as my chest rose and fell unsteadily. Once more, I couldn't seem to take in enough air. I whimpered as my father pushed himself into my field of vision, the muzzle of the gun pointed at my head.

At that moment, he reminded me of Jeremy. Those same milky, crazed eyes that seemed to pierce my own with their glare; the way every crease in his face appeared to exude hatred…

"This is so fucked up," I whispered, desperately searching his features for some semblance of mercy.

"Where is it, Fiona?"

I couldn't seem to focus. "You're supposed to be my Dad… You stupid piece of shit…"

"Where is it?" He leveled the gun at my kneecap, bending down to touch its end to the exposed skin. "This is gonna hurt, you know."

"I know," I said softly, closing my eyes.

"So where is it?"

I stayed silent.

He sighed, I heard him cock the gun and then scream in shock.

My eyes flew open to see that he had let go of the gun which was now resting right beside my leg. He'd jumped to his feet and was furiously patting at his jacket sleeve as smoke rose from the fabric. Out of nowhere, it lit up into a large flame, searing his flesh and drawing howls of agony and raw, deadly fear from his throat. The horror of the sight had me paralyzed for just a moment, frozen to the spot before snapping out of it. I reached for the firearm, hurrying to put the safety back on as I stumbled away from my dad. His cries cut through the silence of the woods, each one shaking me to my very core as I watched on in complete bewilderment.

"You fucking witch! What did you do to me?" he bellowed, throwing himself onto the ground to try and smother the flames that were slowly but deliberately lapping away at his arm.

Afraid the ice was going to give in, I backed off onto dry land, still unable to tear my eyes off the writhing man. My heart was racing, my head reeling—I had no idea what was happening. And then, all of a sudden, I felt something I can only describe as a "disturbance in the force". A ripple of energy, or perhaps just an instinct compelled me to turn and look over at the black gristmill. There was a figure standing just outside of the old building. A short, broad one, dressed in all black, staring intently at my father.

I couldn't contain myself. Before I even knew what I was doing, a sharp cry of joy had left my lips, and I found myself stumbling over to the other person on wobbly legs. Every step hurt, straining muscles I didn't even know I had. I stopped a few feet ahead of the newcomer. The gun dropped from my trembling hands, sinking into the snow, and I followed shortly after. Before my upper body could hit the ground though, I felt strong arms wrap around me, holding me up.

This was like a fairy tale. Sure, I was bleeding and aching all over, and the tongue that moved to lick the warm tears off my face was rough and forked, but still. This was like a fucking fairy tale.

Jacek pulled back, tilting his head at me with a lopsided smile.

I mirrored the movement before everything turned black.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 25



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Jaredy t1_j6ziz63 wrote

Alright, having dug in - I understand that what your sperm donor (that's no dad) said is concerning, with you harboring something so powerful it could tip the scales for all mortals. I mean, how are you going to ensure it stays asleep, stays safe from other influences? If it even remains asleep.

But honestly, I wish that sad cretin, that pitiful excuse of a man, to spend eternity in one if hell's prisons, I'm sure that green dominatrix would enjoy a fresh addition.

No amount of past trauma excuses such despicable behavior.

I'm glad you got away with everything more or less intact, and I'm glad Hellboy Calcifer was once again able to save the day in his usual dramatic fashion.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j6zkwqp wrote

You're right. That ain't a father, that's just a heap of trash. Sad old fucker. He lost all possible mercy I coulda had with him the moment he hurt Casimir.

The entity... Yeah. Dunno. I'll figure sth out tho. I will.

Hellboy Calcifer... Come on, give the guy a break, he's far too hot to be made fun of!

...get it?? Get it???


Jaredy t1_j6zlune wrote

Yeah, I mean I had no respect for him from the start, then with the name calling, the "firm hand" (that one made me gag) and then poor Casimir? IS CASIMIR OKAY? Don't feed your dad to any entity though, that can't be good for their diet.

Of course you will. One, you have a lot of support from multiple parties, and two: you have no choice. :)

I wonder what Nick will do to your hotsauce man if he helps you with the entity, seeing as how Nick really wants to stuff the thing down his greedy lil throat.


weecious t1_j6zsfs2 wrote

He wanted to change your mum? That's some big ol' saviour complex he got there. Pfftt


SpongegirlCS t1_j73dmue wrote

No shit. Fucking asshole made Plans, to try to control Fiona’s mom. That is one huge red flag of a typical abuser. Piece of shit wanted to change mom into a stepford wife. You don’t fuck with people with supernatural connections.


_Shobe t1_j709yjb wrote

Damn if he was so desperate for a woman who wanted the same things he did, he should've looked for her in the first place, not try to bend and manipulate anyone else. Dude should've looked for a church-going woman who valued the same things he did.

Also, I don't think God would've appreciated him dabbling in witchcraft in his name. From my understanding, God doesn't need the help of a puny human.

Also Fiona, have you considered investing in wedding suits? Its still bridal, but allows for better range or motion.


princeoinkins t1_j72w3lp wrote

Yea, I'm really curious who he works for. He definitely doesn't sound like one of God's angels.....

But maybe that's the point? he got kicked out because of his wife's life and land and such, which afterwards he turned to alcoholism and is trying to get revenge/ win the land for God in the hopes god will take him back? that's the only thing that makes sense to me.


mmrrbbee t1_j75r3gq wrote

Church people are crazy and broken and have a mission to break others and make them need the church. Good job mom for being so strong!


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j7eoggh wrote

Wedding suits sound like the best thing for her!

And I can't believe what a creep her dad is...


JollyTraveler t1_j6znwkp wrote

I wish I’d been wrong about your mom before, and it’s not right that she treated your siblings that way. Your dad, on the other hand, was always this way. He said it himself about your mom. He wasn’t changed by the circumstance of living in the woods, he just hid his real self until your mom was trapped. He’s getting what he deserves.

NOW then. That’s out of the way. You e probably realized that Jacek is going to be just fine with his newly bifurcated tongue…some might say he’s even better than before ;)


mossgoblin t1_j75qwxv wrote

I want you to know I upvoted this and then retracted it because it was at 69 already and that was simply too perfect.


Darky821 t1_j6zotp3 wrote

Your "father" isn't working for the God of Heaven. He may think he is, but he's been fooled. Dude is straight up evil.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j6zq9h6 wrote

Oh yeah definitely.


gustbr t1_j6zvhe9 wrote

Well, you can always remember him that he's fated to the deepest level of Hell... MF is going to be tortured in Pride, no doubt


FlatwormSoup t1_j70pvho wrote

Weird question… when Jacek licked your tears with his forked tongue, was he able to lick both sides of your face at once or was it still one lick per side? 🤔

edit: fixed typos


_embr t1_j70zddh wrote

Asking the real questions. I now also want to know the answer.


phillipjhart t1_j7101er wrote

Interesting question. I just assumed it would be mostly the same as a standard bifurcation of the human tongue since it was ripped by Nick's claws, but there is no reason it has to be limited to just that.


PandaBennington t1_j6zng8l wrote

First thing I thought was honey.. What girl doesn't have Daddy issues. 🤣

And Jacek to the rescue! You got your man back.

I hope Cas is okay and I'm waiting to hear his story. 🧡


chalaismyig t1_j6zmlni wrote

I literally said EeeeeEèeekkkkKkK!!! Hooray zaddy Jacek!!! Wonder if you'll get a chance to question your dad more? I feel like he's an extremely patient Jehovahs witness. I wanna know what his master plan was and if he's truly in cahoots with Nick or the other side


TheBumblingBee1 t1_j7007wr wrote

Ahhhh! As soon as you said your dad was smoldering, I knew. I KNEW HE WAS BACK. Hell yeah. Thank God he's home again.

Gross about your dad. Like wtf. Change your mom? Firm hand? Grosssss. I'm glad Cas saw your dad's real side.

Is Cas okay?


The5Virtues t1_j70lpn1 wrote

You know what always makes me giggle?

When men like that buy what the preacher is selling.

God and “the” Devil weren’t the first, they fought tooth and nail to become the opposite sides of monotheistic scale, and even now that scale isn’t nearly as big as they want their followers to believe.

Hold on to that truth, Fiona. You’ve got the right of it. The balance between order and chaos is important. Beings far older than those two have kept that balance for a long time. And imbecilic entities like them have to keep going and stack the scales in their favor.

Don’t let the sleeper fall into either of their hands. Not the Christ-God and damn sure not Nick. They’ve started enough religious wars, you don’t want to be the catalyst to their latest Cold War becoming a hot one.


MizzCroft t1_j6zwzqo wrote

Omg! Your POS father!!! I was so pissed reading. I hope you weren't hurt too bad. I'm so glad to read Cas had your back of course he did and Jacek showed up for you. Yay. That actually brought tears to my eyes for you. Big hugs! 🫂


skittycatboo t1_j708ln8 wrote

I wonder what Cas wanted to tell you…


TadpoleOfDoom t1_j70ouvo wrote

You might have daddy issues, but your pops seems to have "Our Father, who art...." issues. Pulling these stunts, yikes.

To quote the Wise and Honourable Yondu:

"He may have been your father, boy girl, But he wasn't your daddy."


stomaticmonk t1_j706ja2 wrote

Shit I’m glad I was out exploring the woods near the house. Not sure I would have wanted to be in the mill when jacek got there


Shadowwolfmoon13 t1_j70ipir wrote

Don't believe your dad was a true christian. a CONVENIENT ONE as needed. He hid behind it but was really a total ass! Cas tried to save you even tho he was once daddy's boy. Hope he is ok! I seriously was looking for Nick to intercede but was relieved Jacek did. Maybe Nick sent him. Protecting his interest so to speak. Did your dad's fire get put out or did you let him suffer while you enjoyed it? Can't wait for next edition! Stay safe!


lexancer t1_j70bdib wrote

man couldn't even open with a dad joke..smh...what a world...


petiteasianbae t1_j6zvbx4 wrote

No way that’s your father, he’s never a father to you - what a disgusting person. I’m so glad Jacek’s back though :)))


HoneyMCMLXXIII t1_j70elgj wrote

Your dad is awful! I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. I hope Cas is ok. I can’t wait to see what’s on his mind. Yay!!! Jacek is back!!!!!


LunaMoonGoddess777 t1_j70nimo wrote

When you said his arm went up in flames I knew it was either dear nick, or jacek. But I was definitely hoping it would be jacek bc you might’ve owed the devil another favor if he was the one to save you. So thank the lawd it was jacek


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j7eos3l wrote

Yeah I don't think Nick would have done that, even though he too wants the info.

I knew it was Jacek. I'm honestly surprised it took him that long to get back!


S4njay t1_j6zx1uc wrote

Yay, Daddy Jacek to the rescue! I'm pretty sure the Devil has a hand in this, though.

Why did you even let that piece of shit come to your place, again?


LCyfer t1_j72butk wrote

Wow, and I thought my asshole dad was bad. What a dick. I thought Aleksei would crush him, but being set on fire by Jacek is even better! I think split tongues look awesome, as a tattoo artist, I used to work with people in the bodymod community who had's definitely not a bad thing in a And please protect Casimir at all costs. He's such a beautiful soul, you need to enchant him with a protection spell or something. If anything happens to him, I won't be able to handle it!


SluttyStepDad t1_j714gzu wrote

Maybe I’m reading into it too much but if your “father” is not long for this world (by his own admission), why does he care what happens to the woods or the world or anything for that matter? Why not crawl off and drink himself to death in some hole rather than trying to arrest the changes happening in the mortal world?


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j7eoyhv wrote

Because he think he's more important than he actually is, and wants to effect some Great Change in the world before he passes, as any kind of legacy. It's the same reason he went after a woman who was above him, better than him, but didn't share his faith: he had to try to change and reshape her.

That's what he's trying to do now: make any kind of mark on the world before he's no longer in it.


mercyis4theweak t1_j7239cz wrote

typical men... always want to "save" a "disturbed" woman when they are perfectly fine


ena_bear t1_j75h5hb wrote

We need to respect the balance. Since both sides want the sleeping entity, I think we need to befriend it first so that it’s loyal to the forest and Fiona and can’t be manipulated by either side.


Writerhowell t1_j70d4u8 wrote

I hope Cas is okay. I want to hear more about why he left his job.

Your father is a horrible human being, and rest assured that not all Christians are like that. I think Nick has appeared to him, pretending to be the angel he once was, to get the location of the entity out of you in some other way.


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j70dby9 wrote

Oh, don't worry, I know not all Christians are like that. My mom's side of the family was religious, in a way, and they were alright I think. My father's just nuts. I'll see what he's on about


MotherofPuppos t1_j71x9yn wrote

On the bright side, Aleksei will get to have a lovely snack soon. I’m also sure Nick will have something absolutely delightful planned for your POS sperm donor 😊


mossgoblin t1_j75r5lm wrote

So thoughtful of Fiona's boytoys to turn a tragedy into a nice cookout.


AirF0rce_11 t1_j711sp1 wrote

Your father is a horrible man, and it seems like he is an "ends justify the means" kinda guy.

Unfortunately, he may be right about one thing. It may not be the best idea to let Nick know where the sleeping entity is. Your woods may feel like a different world, but they would certainly be affected by the outside world's destruction.


Nature_Dweller t1_j76yjqw wrote

Oh my stars!!! screams in Fae This is the scariest so far! To think a human would be the scariest. So glad Jacek is back. <3


danielleshorts t1_j71j6rk wrote

Yay Jacek- boo dad( he's a total douchebag).


real_talk_with_Emmy t1_j73aaj5 wrote

Well, I’m glad you’re getting answers, this all stinks for you. I’m so sorry your dad is such an asshole. And yay! Yacek is back!!

Out of curiosity, where does the money come from? Is there a family trust or something that pays for the upkeep of the land? You mentioned financial issues before, but I wasn’t quite sure how all that works.


Original_Jilliman t1_j70jyrn wrote

I hope Cas is okay on all accounts! I’m not sure what he has to tell you but it doesn’t sound like good news.

Honestly, you should give the sleeping creature a warning that it’s about to be hunted and then tell both daddy dearest and the devil where it is. Once they all start fighting with each other they’ll eventually grow weak. Swoop in and finish all three of them off at that moment with help from your forest friends. Three birds with one stone, eh? (I still don’t trust cloudy bro since it made your ancestor lose his mind.)


PunkECat t1_j70ua7e wrote

Yay the last name explained!! And aww Jacek is back!!


LeXRTG t1_j70zxah wrote

I only date women who have serious daddy issues. Laugh all you want but they tend to be strong, independent, and 100% badass, I love that. I guess you're living proof, aren't you?

So glad Jacek showed up exactly at the right time, I'm sure Nick had something to do with that since your dad plays for the other side but that was the badass (re)entrance he deserved. Who would have thought I would literally be rooting for the devil over your dad, as if he's the lesser of two evils. Not gonna lie, I kinda wish you shot your dad in the face, lord knows he had it coming especially when you saw that same look in his eyes that Jem had. Now we know where he got it from.

I really hope Cas is ok and he didn't mess up that prettyboy face of his, otherwise I might have to steal his title. Another reason your dad would have looked good with a swiss cheese face and some cinder block shoes. Oh well, maybe next time.

Side note and I hope Jacek doesn't kill me but if you ever run out of regular people to date, I'm single, familiar with all things inhuman, and I won't even ask about the wedding dress ;)


colddeadsoul t1_j75ecii wrote

W O W. And I thought my kids sperm donor was a piece of work. And yay Jacek. Having a forked tongue ain’t so bad. He can lick away the tears from both corners of your eye with one simple flick of the tongue


Barbie-Brooke t1_j75oqf0 wrote

OMG Jacek to the rescue! You guys are the new age fairy tale and I am here for it❤️


Trinitrophenol81 t1_j7706zs wrote

Wait... Did I miss anything out? I thought the curse is still on you and you can't wear anything else except the wedding dress? You got into a simple dress?


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j770xmh wrote

Some wedding dresses are simple. It was still a wedding dress, just like... one without as much volume


coilycat t1_j79bb36 wrote

The simple ones all seem modern, and usually kind of form-fitting & revealing. I've been having trouble figuring out what kinds of dresses you've been wearing, and what condition they're in, with you traipsing all about the woods. I sure would love to see a sketch of each dress as you wear it!


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karmadovernater t1_j8ey5v2 wrote

Well jacek is no surprise. I mean the devil has your number after all. Send jacek to retrieve the Info So don't feel bad that he has too. You may enjoy a forked tongue but dick, not so much