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LeXRTG t1_j9stmxx wrote

Hold on, so you had the cure for cancer and you burned it? I understand that the ends don't justify the means, but what's done is done and you can't undo it. At the very least you could have given those people's suffering and deaths some meaning. Now they all died for nothing


Far-Algae4772 t1_j9t6taq wrote

It's not even just about that. What's done is done, but if I were a dude who'd been killed in this pursuit of knowledge, I'd be absolutely infuriated at you for making my death in vain.


therealdocturner t1_j9tp969 wrote

I spent two days sitting at his desk weighing the decision. It was not one I came to lightly, but ultimately it was mine to make. I was going to be judged one way or another. I stand by it. I may be wrong, I'll concede that, but progress at the expense of humanity are steps in the wrong direction. I don't feel that my father and Selma died in vain. I can only hope the other victim's family's feel the same way. It's possible I made a mistake, but at the end of the day, I, unlike my grandfather, am only human.