Submitted by ToasterGreatBathBomb t3_11ahz1z in nosleep

I am currently typing this from the public library as even the idea of being at home sends a shiver down my spine. My mom had been diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago, but it wasnt the chemotherapy/loss of hair type of cancer. It was a tumor on her spine, pushing slightly on the base of her brain. She got really bad 3 months ago. Barely able to walk without assistance, constant pain, the pressure would build up in her head so much she could tell when and where it was going to rain even from avout 4 states away.

I give you this information because last month she wanted to go camping on her own. She wanted to call an uber, have it drop her off at a camp site, and she would camp for 2 nights. I didn't like the idea of this but I only allowed it because I didn't know how long she had left and I didn't want to deprive her of a possible last source of entertainment. Before she left she hugged and kissed me with a huge smile showing her five freckles. She was still beautiful after all she went through. I wished her goodbye and told her to call me if she needs help with even the smallest thing. The car door closed as it drove off. A few days later, she came back as a different person.

She was super positive all the time, like when I was a kid and the tumor didn't exist. She made breakfast, she was active, and seemed to have her pain under control. We went to an scan the next day and the tumor was gone. She spinal cord was still slightly damaged but she could (after a few weeks of physical therapy) resume full mobility.

Now this was great, the doctors had called it a medical miracle, and I didn't leave her side for two weeks. She made me breakfast 2 days ago and gave me a huge grin. I looked at her face admiring her radiant, glowing smile. Her hazel eyes, cinnamon hair, and her 3 freckles. Wait, 3 freckles? I recounted, 1, 2, 3. Where are the other two? My mom has always had 5. And that was just the first thing I noticed. Every night my mom would write me notes on the counter for me to see when I woke up for school. I hadn't seen one over the past month. I know it's petty, but, ever since my sudden sentience at the age of 3 I saw those notes. I was embarassed by those notes. I missed those notes.

And the biggest thing that bothered me was her smell. She always had a scent of cedar wood and lavender. Now she, doesn't have a smell. She smells sterilized, like there is no sign of humanity within her. There is something living in my mother's body but it isn't my mom. My mom is somewhere, I hope, not completely lost. When I left the house to go she gave me a kiss and told be to be safe. There was this glint in her eye. She knows I know. I don't feel safe and I don't have anyone to call. I'm posting this here before I go home hoping that people may give some advice. If I went to the police they'd call me crazy, then she'd find out. I just want to know what to do, if I live long enough.



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Skarletdafish t1_j9sg9uv wrote

Honestly I don’t think you have a lot of options but to talk to her and ask about her trip. If you are not comfortable to be alone with your mom, you can ask one of your friends to be with you.


Curious-Audience-957 t1_j9sgnb5 wrote

Deck her fake ass

Thanks for the upvotes boys I'm still waiting for him to deck his mum in an update!


IAmAn_Anne t1_j9ssbw3 wrote

Your mom wanted to go, maybe she knew something was going to happen to her? Perhaps she’s changed herself somehow, with someone’s help. If she knows you know, I’d feign approval to gather information.


TheSkullCupMan t1_j9syndu wrote

She knew how serious her condition was and yet insisted on going on a camping trip. Might it be that she made a bargain with a creature? Not for her benefit, but rather for yours. I'd suggest looking up more about where she went, whether there were her friends with her or she was alone. The first step would be to check her location history and investigate for any signs of rituals there. Because tumours don't just go away, you don't just get a second chance at life, at least, not without a cost.


hauntedathiest t1_j9szkgq wrote

Yet there were still signs that the tumour had been there. I'm going through the same thing with a tumour in my sacrum and it traps the nerves in my spinal cord. Ask her outright and let me know.I could use a miracle right now.I'd be more than happy to sacrifice the mole on my cheek too.


eowfoe t1_j9tssb2 wrote

ask her about the two missing frickles.


SecretContext8966 t1_j9udd42 wrote

If she’s still a good mom don’t worry too much. It’s not like she turned into a witch, she still makes you breakfast. She’s better than my mom.


No-Marzipan-5328 t1_j9up9w4 wrote

Did your mom have a possible twin you didn’t know about and they pulled the ole switch a roo. Maybe so didn’t have to watch her go and she knew you were taken care of?


No-Consideration3776 t1_j9vii7d wrote

I'm sure that this is still your mum. Sometimes a thing can happen to you following prolonged stress (like knowing that your mum has a tumor) and experiencing change (like someone not leaving notes anymore). It's actually reasonably common in these circumstances to feel as though something is off. Please recognise that it is your brain that is playing the trick on you. A psychologist can help you work through this. It doesn't mean that you are crazy.


tacobellfan222 t1_j9vkbox wrote

I’d certainly check the Uber receipts first & make sure she really went to a campground. If she did, I’d research the campground. And when I say research I mean look everywhere, even the dark web. I feel like we only hear of situations like this when someone “sells their soul” or something. Perhaps your mother did something dark to get more time with you. I do think that, that is her body if there’s spinal damage. The question is if her soul is still in there..

I wish you the best of luck and please keep posting and commenting so that we know you’re safe!


Lifedeath999 t1_j9vta3m wrote

It’s tough to say whether you’re safe or not. You could try running, or you could pretend it’s fine. Those are probably you’re best options.

That said, I agree with everyone else. Check the Uber receipts, and research everything you can. Your mother probably made a deal with something, and you’d be better off knowing what.


moman2345 t1_j9w31u8 wrote

Right hook should suffice. Maybe a follow up left


Cimorenne t1_j9xyg90 wrote

Just tell her if she starts writing the notes again you’re all good.