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Elajz t1_j75w702 wrote

Honestly, at this point, just screw Daniel. Let him die

Unless he comes to you. Himself. Begging. On. His. Knees.

Also Ash don't you even dare think about catching feels for Stevo again, or I have the feeling Cassie will be the one having a claim on your life. I the only one wondering if the "fixed" computers would work? Maybe even do inhuman stuff...? :0


jjbugman2468 t1_j75y95d wrote

Imagine googling “How to get rid of midnight scratching at door for free no ads” on that


Elajz t1_j75ycdr wrote

You get a YouTube tutorial from a changeling with bad English, yet somehow it works perfectly and you immediately understand


fainting--goat OP t1_j7t06sq wrote

Yeah so I actually mentioned I saw him in front of Cassie. 😬 It was terrifying. She was... displeased