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Elajz t1_j75wr21 wrote

I have like the opposite problem - I am extremely sensitive to outside light. Almost can't go out without sunglasses sensitive. Even snow hurts to look at.

I have like half a dioptre in my right eye (is that how you say it?), meaning I can't see far things with that eye as clearly, but I don't think that has to do something with it. I told an optometrist about my light hatred and she was like "meh, it's normal". Maybe I'm just making a big deal out of something everyone experiences, but I don't know.


JCtheWanderingCrow t1_j796mxi wrote

Snow is actually worse because white is a reflector. It shoots lots of UV rays back at you. That’s why it’s so bad. White sand does it too.


RedneckStew t1_j7a89mx wrote

I upvote this answer. They don't call it snowblind for nothing. Also, bodies of water if you're looking out on the water with the sun behind it.

I vote polarized lenses. Have a prescription pair and they aren't horrible to wear at night while driving either. Especially ially if you have are nearsighted and astigmatism like lucky me.


lexkixass t1_j77mjl0 wrote

>I am extremely sensitive to outside light. Almost can't go out without sunglasses sensitive.

That's me. I feel it's part of the dry-eye from Sjörgen's syndrome. Also if I get too much light, I get vicious migraines.


HVAC-Animal t1_j7phbu2 wrote

I never used to wear sunglasses, but then I started wearing them about 10 years ago and now they're almost a complete necessity, like sunglasses have done to my eyes what a back brace does to your back if worn too often