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LimpyLaundry OP t1_j7cp1nm wrote

It’s interesting that you mention witchcraft because one of my roommates is a Witch. I don’t think she performed any spells when she moved in, but when she wakes up I’m definitely gonna ask her about it. I did end up going downstairs, and a plate was pulled from the cupboard and shattered on the group. I did end up falling asleep, but my mate came into my room and shut my light off and yes, I’m a light sleeper and watched her do it. She noticed me awake and asked if I was okay and said “I’ll talk to you about it later.” Because I don’t sleep with lights on, or a tv on at all. Fortunately though, the cats are acting totally normal.

I just have a lot of questions though, and I don’t want to add another post or series flair without a real update. Like, why did it stop at the top of the steps and not come towards me? Why was it simply running around? Someone commented that I should call someone, but like you said, I don’t wanna make any sound that could attract it, ya know?

Anyways, sorry for the rant. I’ll definitely try not to provoke it if I can.