Submitted by LimpyLaundry t3_10u2x6s in nosleep

This is currently happening as I’m typing this. And it’s freaking me out.

It’s currently 10:15 at night. I’m a night shift person, so I do housework during the night. However, I just got done, and I came to my room to decompress. I live with roommates. But they’re all working tonight. I have cats, but they’re all upstairs with me. We’re all looking around my bedroom wondering what the fuck is going on.

It’s a weird banging noise. Or a knock, I think it’s a knock actually. But at the same time it sounds like a toddler is running around downstairs. I live in an old house that needs some work. The house runs in a huge circle. Meaning you can get through the kitchen from the living room and dining room. I don’t know how to explain it except by saying you can get to the main rooms of the house through any room. Sorry if it sucks im stressed and freaking out. In the kitchen though, there’s a door that leads to the basement. It’s creepy as hell and unfinished.

Anyways, it sounds like a toddler running down stairs. I can hear it running through the circle. As I typed that last huge paragraph I realized it’s not knocking. It’s running or jogging around going through the main rooms. Oh shit hold on there was a thump. Never mind it’s running again. I hear the footsteps fading in and out as if it was running around. Oh shit, another thud right at the staircase.

My room is the largest room in the house, but I took it instead of giving it to my mates because there isn’t a door, and I want them to have privacy. But now I regret the decision. I have a little concave that no one can see when they enter my room

Oh fuck it’s starting up stairs. But it stopped in the middle of the steps and wait. Okay it ran back down. It’s doing the circle thing again around the downstairs. Shit it stopped at the bottom again.

It’s calling my name. It sounds like a kid. It sounds like my fucking cousin he just said “Mommy needs help.”

The fucker ran off again. I’m in the concave. I put my ear to the floor and I’m above the kitchen. Wait the basement door opened, and I think it went down there. I definitely heard the footsteps going down. The door just fucking slammed shut.

My cats are terrified. Their ears are back and their tails tucked. The three of them have kind of conglomerated (is that the word) next to each other. They’ve never gotten along before. And they’re not fighting so this is fucking scary.

It’s back up. It’s moving shit around. I just heard a plate break. It’s running again. In a circle. The cats came next to me, still in the little concave of my room . Ears back. They’re growling at the entrance of my room though.

Oh shit. It’s coming back up. Fuck fuck fuck it’s at the top of the staircase.

“Come out big kitty!!” He just said. That’s the name of my cat.

Fuck the thing ran downstairs again. It’s back in the basement. The door slammed shut and shook the whole house.

Okay it’s almost midnight and I’ve been sitting here with the cats. I think the thing trying to be my little cousin is in the basement. The cats kind of disbanded after a half and hour of no noise. My youngest is still with me in my room but the other two have gone down to investigate. I’m surprised they haven’t gotten into a fight with each other. Probably put aside their differences or something.

Anyways I’ve definitely experienced some weird things in this house, but nothing like that. I’ll update you guys when my roommates get home or if something else happens, so no series flair just yet.

But fuck I’m scared. Has anyone experienced something like this before? Please give me some tips. I don’t wanna go downstairs.

Has a demon captured my cousins voice? He hasn’t been here for a really long time. I don’t talk to that side of the family anymore but I think I might give them a call to make sure my little cousin is okay.



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monkner t1_j7aywmb wrote

Time to install a door.


ilyaphrodite t1_j7b15mc wrote

i need to know if the cats are ok xd


LimpyLaundry OP t1_j7bp6ch wrote

Oh yeah!! I didn’t sleep last night, but right as I heard my roommates get home I bolted downstairs to see them on the couch. Thank god honestly. But I did find the cabinet door open and a plate broke in the kitchen. My roommates are off tonight, so I’m gonna ask them if they’ve had any weird experiences.


SomeRedShirt t1_j7aiev5 wrote

Salt circle in front of your door? You mught have to make yourcway to the kitchen O.O


Famous-Cookie-7487 t1_j7c3cjb wrote

It’s a demon because they try to copy the voice of people that you know/that are close to you so they can fool you to attack you. Don’t ever respond to them and ignore everything because they can feel when you’re afraid and it makes them more powerful. A protection spell you must do,or a sigil so try to look up some simple ones and so them as fast as possible or try to speak to a witch that can help you with that. And get a door or if you can’t right now,the best thing you can do is block the door with black salt and like do a line on the doorway and windows with the salt. Or sleep in another room that has a door. If this is real then you must know it’s very serious. (English is not my first language sorry for any mistakes)


LimpyLaundry OP t1_j7cp1nm wrote

It’s interesting that you mention witchcraft because one of my roommates is a Witch. I don’t think she performed any spells when she moved in, but when she wakes up I’m definitely gonna ask her about it. I did end up going downstairs, and a plate was pulled from the cupboard and shattered on the group. I did end up falling asleep, but my mate came into my room and shut my light off and yes, I’m a light sleeper and watched her do it. She noticed me awake and asked if I was okay and said “I’ll talk to you about it later.” Because I don’t sleep with lights on, or a tv on at all. Fortunately though, the cats are acting totally normal.

I just have a lot of questions though, and I don’t want to add another post or series flair without a real update. Like, why did it stop at the top of the steps and not come towards me? Why was it simply running around? Someone commented that I should call someone, but like you said, I don’t wanna make any sound that could attract it, ya know?

Anyways, sorry for the rant. I’ll definitely try not to provoke it if I can.


CornerCornea t1_j7agjn6 wrote

I'm with you OP! Be safe and let use know what happens >.<