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ancientevilvorsoason t1_j7tkaqt wrote

About Dave, I would lean into it a lot. As in, makeup and all the shit. Be as annoying as possible about witchiness or whatever. When he mentions something religious, go on a rant (within reason) about the patriarchal bs of it. Channel your theater kid. And over respond to all bs he does. Even if it has NO effect on you. So he doesn't know what affects you. In the meantime, alert whatever teacher or whoever is responsible about this in the school that he is explicitly harassing you in reference to religious things and make it clear that he is acting as if he thinks you are something supernatural. Make HIM come off as the religious weirdos who is harassing a regular kid, since the fact that you are supernatural is inconsequential. He chose to harass you because you suffered trauma and for him you are an easy picking, because he is a bully. Don't eat him. That would cause issues. But absolutely make a fuss about it. And absolutely keep a list of everything be has done or said to you. The supernatural doesn't exist for your school or for most adults. He will be the one coming off as the weirdo asshole for pulling that shit. The more he does it and you have proof for it, the worse for him and better for you.


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7tmyy4 wrote

That is a great idea! Change the narrative lol. I would say I am good enough of an actress to actually do this, and I would love to pretend to be the normal one for once.

But the thing about Dave is, he does not really pull stuff when teachers are around. If we tell a teacher, it is his word against ours, and teachers sort of hate me. They hate Jaime... less, but if he goes to them, they will propably assume that he is just lying to excuse me almost punching Dave yesterday.

Also, there is something more to this kid. We really told NO ONE about the exorcism shit. Not a soul. Our case was handled as domestic abuse/"parents getting rid of children to start over" - thing. So, David must be involved in all of this somehow. The only people who knew what happened in that basement were Mom, Jaime, me and Dad. This is why we are really fucking terrified rn.


ancientevilvorsoason t1_j7tnqva wrote

You have a phone, simply record your interactions. Put it in your pocket and when you are out of ear shot, let it record. Sooner than later you will have the proof. It's very hard to argue with that and if the teachers try to ignore it, send it to a newspaper by telling them all about it and how the school does nothing. Or you can even go the route of social media. TikTok would LOVE this. You can always spin it as you making social media to cope with whatever happened but that you are getting bullied by that person. If and should you need support, you will have that. That does include risk exposure however, so keep it as a last ditch resolve.


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7tszjd wrote

omg that's brilliant we really should have thought of that. Seems like my brain is still kind of mushy... anyway, will definitely keep my phone on me when I see that dick the next time :)