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thatsnotexactlyme t1_ja43wy1 wrote

how do you not become disoriented???? that’s like, one of the huge dangers of diving


ggg730 t1_ja68i07 wrote

That's what you're wondering about? She's literally able to breathe underwater my man.


Vireep t1_ja8y0ot wrote

She’s literally breathing underwater and got jizzed in my a giant sea snake thingy and this is what ur asking about??


MaySnake t1_jabowbq wrote

Since she holds her breath, and she has great vision, maybe she exhales air and follows the air bubbles upwards?


Vireep t1_ja8y1i4 wrote

She’s literally breathing underwater and got jizzed in my a giant sea snake thingy and this is what ur asking about??