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not-an-emu t1_j85yebb wrote

Hmmm that would certainly be interesting, my initial thought is that they wouldn’t be since my understating of Hades is that he doesn’t really punish, he just kind of… Is the head honcho? However, Nick doesn’t seem to totally punish everyone in the afterlife either and acts like the boss man, so could be! But then that begs the question… where’s Persephone?! 😮


chalaismyig t1_j85z20j wrote

What if Hades has a kinda chill afterlife place and Nick has a... not so chill afterlife place? And Hades is tired of Nick falsely ruling over his rightful domain?


not-an-emu t1_j8698zg wrote

Oooh I like this!!! What determines who goes where though? Maybe it’s divided by personal belief? Like those who practice Christian religions go to the Christian ideas of the afterlife (and Nick has a chance to lay claim), but others don’t?


chalaismyig t1_j869guu wrote

This reminds me of an interesting theory on how ghosts present themselves based on how their idea of ghosts were before they passed.


not-an-emu t1_j869th8 wrote

Oh I'm not sure I've heard that before but I love it!! 😮 I wonder how many answers we'll get vicariously through Fiona... after all of the chaos has subsided, I would absolutely still stick around for slice-of-life updates and lore drops as Fiona learns things 😂