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SpunGoldBabyBlue t1_j98mwjq wrote

Look up sociopath and psychopath; people who don't feel emotions like most people do.


xXRarityXRoyalXx t1_j997ooj wrote

Love is a complex feeling and I don't think many people grasp it for a long time. Most people have attachment to people which can be quite unhealthy, honestly. Love, on the other hand... Love is not about ourselves it is about others. Love is doing the hard things, or even sometimes letting go, for sake of the happiness of the one whom you love. It doesn't sound like to me you are a sociopath, however, I would recommend perhaps consulting a proper therapist to help you work through these intrusive thoughts.


A Psychology Major


triplefRick t1_j99uc1f wrote

'Sup sister! It's okay, I don't feel 'em either. And I am 30M. I have managed. You will too. Just appreciate, cherish and care for them. As for longing ( the factor which we are actually missing) most PPL can't tell if it's there or not. Try to avoid long distance relationships though. We tend to outgrow them fairly quickly. And avoid dating best friends too. The expectation of a friend and lover is different. While ur friend would forgive u forgetting something little about her, or for not missing her, for ur lover it would be deeply hurtful. Dating ur best friend is a sure way for us to loose both.