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mrs-chapa t1_j94y56r wrote

Oh yeah you fucked up didn't you, and if you don't figure out how to get out of that room , your a gonner, I just don't understand cheaters, you could have told her before you started seeing this woman that it was over and that you was interested in seeing someone else , ended that relationship first before you started a new one, surely your wife deserved that much from you I'm sorry I don't really feel to bad for a cheater, it's wrong it destroys people lives and even their will to live, she deserved better. Oh well better start figuring out how to get out of that room like you figured out how to cheat and when and where to cheat to hide it from your wife , oh yeah you failed at that though because she knew what you were doing, you didn't hide very good at all did you, well sir I don't know what your religious beliefs are but you should start praying you better get straight with God because I'm pretty sure it's the devil on the other side of that door, and you better do it quick, lol I would say update us but I doubt you'll be updating anything!,