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Its_panda_paradox t1_j8jqo2x wrote

Woah..this is right up the Ohio River from me…Evansville is pretty much directly downstream from you. Although, to be honest, we have some of the absolute nastiest water in the US. Like, it’s been tested, and there’s all manner of weird sh*t in our little neck of the river. The local joke is that you don’t go swimming in the river, or you’ll come out with extra toes, or a tail. Purplish film on the water would be a slight improvement over the usual disgusting brown detritus and filth that permanently keeps our downtown (and also our poorer area of town—but no one seems to care about /that area/ as much as the touristy downtown area) smelling like putrid pond scum and rotting excrement. Keep us posted, I have to go take a walk by the river just to be sure. I doubt they’d tell all of us to just move—Alcoa, Sabic, GE, and Meade Johnson are all major corporations, and they’d rather us workers die than lost one second of profits.