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Aluric_Fulebiert t1_jb8whxh wrote

The "leak" you mentioned seems to be real. Her counterpart the one which glows when you look in the mirror does so as it has taken her spirit, her life from her. Yours on the other hand is dull as you have never talked to it, never poured your soul out to it.

Have you read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Ifear what happened between Ginny and Tom Riddle is what's happening to her too. I see you have other updates posted, I'll take a look and see if I can be of any help.

Harry ends up stabbing the diary, you should, in a similar vein break the mirror, sometimes you need to do things that make the people you love, hate you but it's still better than seeing them dead isn't it? Have hope I'm sure you'll figure it out!