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Mysterious_Music_676 t1_jdpzezz wrote

Oh that is... Clever. You wouldn't even notice, if you're not either Scandinavian or Icelandic. Alex IS the snake. His last name is Lindorm, a Lindorm is a huge, man-eating snake in old Nordic mythology. When you stumbled out of the woods, you heard the rangers talking. What did one of them say? "I'm fine, I just ate something that doesn't agree with me". What if that ranger was Alex and the thing he ate was Stan? I mean, he obviously doesn't agree with Stan as a hwole. He talks about his own friend, what if he ate her boyfriend too? Next time you stop by, give him an extra thank you.


ArtIntoArtemis OP t1_jdq38wy wrote

Oh my god…I’ve had a feeling he and Crystal were involved with that thing and what happened somehow since I could never figure out why else they had the map. Like, I know Stan packed it before we went to the ranger station that day. But I never even gave Alex’s last name a second thought until right now. I’m pretty sure he was the one who said that because I thought the voice sounded familiar too…


Mysterious_Music_676 t1_jdq4vzi wrote

But honestly, he might have done you a favour. It's not like you can report anything to anyone anyways. "He got lost in the woods" sounds far more plausible than "He got eaten by an ancient mythological creature from the Nordic countries" and quite frankly, from the first part of your story, the world's probably better off without Stan. I hope you're doing well though!


WarMage1 t1_jdu73i7 wrote

I’m part 1 you mentioned stan’s ex was a biologist at a national park, and crystal mentioned a biologist who used to work at glacier park, along with Alex and his friend who used to be in an abusive relationship? Sounds like Alex knew who Stan was long before they met in person, if you ask me.


Full_Carry_1331 t1_jdqbg8h wrote

Ooh and if it was him, maybe he was guiding her back to camp. She said she would change direction every time she heard the snake, right?


ArtIntoArtemis OP t1_jdu38qr wrote

Wait that would make so much sense...I assumed it was the creature looking for me but I always thought it was pretty damn close to a miracle that I ended up back at the trailhead wandering around in the dark out there


Beautiful-Mess7256 t1_jdqais1 wrote

Betting poor Medusa the biologist might have met someone with a mirror and sword.


Sudden_Purpose6589 t1_jdqbgq9 wrote

This might be my own trauma reading to far into things but i was thinking the medusa tattoo was related to that trend of sa survivors getting them since alex says he had a friend who was in a bad situation (could also just be a reference fto mythological snakes though)


Mysterious_Music_676 t1_jdr6bbe wrote

Or the biologist is Emma, Stan's ex, and Alex chased Stan in her favorite park - the one he didn't want to go to. Maybe he didn't want to go there, because he's been chased before, and the biologist, possibly Emma, got a Medusa-tattoo because she was saved by a giant snake?


amyss t1_jdqibfx wrote

That’s awesome I didn’t know that- I was thinking of the Medusa tattoo she mentioned on the biologist- and his ex was a biologist- Stan certainly got what he had coming!


MercyRoseLiddell t1_jdu7pze wrote

I thought it sounded like Lindwyrm which is a snake-like wingless dragon. It definitely sounds like the ranger ate the ex but was protecting her.


Revolutionary-Dig799 t1_jdw6cxf wrote

I also think the redhead that worked there as a biologist was Stan’s ex and Alex’s friend who went through something similar in his words as OP.