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FondleMyPancakes t1_je7rozz wrote

I'm curious... do you know if rocking chairs helps with anxiety? I've lived with anxiety my entire life and always have found rocking chairs calming.

Quite the brutal experience, and I'm sorry to hear you had to go through all of that.

Back when I was with my ex, I would kiss her with my eyes open sometimes. I wanted to look into her eyes as I did it. I've always been able to read a person a bit by their eyes, and anytime I saw her eyes open with mine, I felt the love she had for me as well. Eyes are often described as windows to the soul after all.

What I find incredibly odd is how the detective brought up the cellular memory. More often than not, people of the law don't talk about things that are unnatural. I could see them mentioning the connection of the transplant of your husband to him, but normally, they don't mention anything like non natural situations. It makes me wonder if they've dealt with cases like yours before.

I think the reason Feivel always trusted Joshua is because of the eyes. He recognized James' eyes and parts of his personality.

Despite this wild situation, I truly believe James was watching over you. And I don't mean that as a pun because Joshua had his eyes. I think James was partly there with that cellular memory combined with his soul. James just wasn't strong enough to take hold or control of him, unfortunately, so all he could do was watch. Still, he was strong enough to hold on and see your daughter, I think that shows how much the 3 of you meant to him. You picked the right man to marry, and I'm sorry for your loss.