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Superior-Solifugae t1_jb9fwlq wrote

Chuck E Cheese doesn't hire night guards. That's like a McDonalds hiring armed security.


the_orange_alligator t1_jb9ntj5 wrote

What would they even have to guard? I’ve dumpster dived my local CECs in the dead of night and there is never a soul there.


RedAnt117 t1_jb9isnd wrote

then who hired me? who made the job post. that is strange too. I just looked and it doesn't look like any other Chuck E. Cheeses have the posistion I have. Just mine.


Superior-Solifugae t1_jb9jb0e wrote

You're supposed to research the position and company you applied for BEFORE going to an interview. This is basic shit.


RedAnt117 t1_jb9jnb9 wrote

Yeah that seems to be my fault. the pay is what really captivated me when I saw the post.


Superior-Solifugae t1_jb9k5z2 wrote

I am surprised you survived this long in life with how oblivious you are to red flags.

"Burger King is hiring for bouncers starting at $32/hr under the table? Seems legit."


RedAnt117 t1_jb9lndm wrote

Well... It looks like I'm in it now I sent a form to management and they said if I want to leave without anything bad on my record I have to wait till the end of the week to resign my position.


Superior-Solifugae t1_jb9lycj wrote

That's not legal. And with the current economy, jobs here in the States are plentiful.


NoSleepAutoBot t1_jb94q5m wrote

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DouggiesCherryPie t1_jb97m8b wrote

Don't quit, but look for a reasonable answer. Like a ghost.... (kidding)

You sure this scraping sound isnt something cycling on and off like the HVAC an maybe there is a fan or a vent that stops and starts with a scrape?


RedAnt117 t1_jb98wey wrote

To think about it I think the vent or something could be the source of the sound. I sent a report to the manager about the animatronics malfunctioning at Night. I'll take a closer look tonight. About the vents or the HVAC.


Superior-Solifugae t1_jb9g008 wrote

You're not a maintenance worker, so please don't "check it out". Stay in your lane.


RedAnt117 t1_jb9ixl3 wrote

ofc I'll stick to the Security office. and the Cameras.


[deleted] OP t1_jb9e30j wrote



[deleted] OP t1_jb9p64o wrote
