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Rancid_farts t1_jd689h1 wrote

Coming from someone who has also died and been brought back to life, it was exactly like you described. Nothing not even thoughts and then just opening your eyes to a hospital view... it's definitely weird


AllowMe-Please t1_jd6k3w5 wrote

Really? I had a different experience.

I felt this deep, deep calm and a feeling like I was being pulled away into this most serene area. I was convinced it was god "calling me home" (was an extremely faithful and devoted believer at the time). And then I learned about NDEs and the things that happen in your brain and it made total sense, about all of chemicals rushing through, trying to keep you calm. I was "gone" for nearly five minutes (four and some change).

Very interesting how some people have such vastly different experiences (because I've read of others describing what you and OP do).

What a fascinating topic.


JeepersBud t1_jd72vte wrote

It probably depends on how quickly you “go”. I’ve been under anesthesia twice and both times it’s like blinking and opening your eyes and you’re awake again. The second time it was slower for me to fully wake up, but I imagine if you die slowly, by freezing or drowning or something, your brain has more time to tell you a few calming stories. If you smack your head and you’re out immediately, or maybe if you’re in intense pain that causes you to black out, it’s probably more similar to just blinking and waking up.


KindOldRaven t1_jd9wn4u wrote

I think it'd like dreaming. You don't remember all your dreams either. Sometimes you lie down, close your eyes, and wake up. Sometimes it's like days have passed because you remember a shitton of your dreams.


JeepersBud t1_jd9xbs3 wrote

I’ve always dreamed pretty vividly and only experienced the “blink and wake up” thing with anesthesia, but everyone is different for sure. The brain is a super interesting electrical meat machine though.


KindOldRaven t1_jd9whw8 wrote

Some people never remember their dreams. It's possible they did experience something but if it's not stored in memory, it's as if it never happened.


CastielAOTL t1_jdc6obq wrote

I can't really say how it was. I was a baby. Died while I was being born. But I definitely didn't get a screaming demon angel out of the deal, so I got that going for me. Which is nice.