Submitted by Jack_But_Reddit t3_11mik5w in nosleep

Hello, Travis Marcella here, You should go see other parts before this one so you understand my situation clearly...Part 1, Part 2.

I woke up to see that nothing had changed. I was still in the same room with no way out. I looked around and glanced up to see a vent that was tightly locked with screws. I searched around for a screwdriver, feeling the books for some secret button, checking under my bed, and searching the desk. I found a toy box in the corner, under my bed. Oddly, I found this strange as I was almost an adult and I thought myself a bit old to be playing with such things. I looked inside and found many useless toys such as action figures and small cars. At the bottom of the toy box i found a toy screwdriver.

"Perfect" I whispered under my breath.

I went to the vent and unhinged the vent cover rather easily. It felt a bit strange that escaping would be so easy but I assumed that they underestimated me. I quickly got into the vent shaft and began moving as slowly as possible to not make any noise. I made it to an intersection that led off in 2 directions, left and right. I chose left and began making my way through the vents again when suddenly I heard a screech below me.

I looked into a crack in the vents and saw a large creature being experimented on. It was a dark red color that had no head but a large mouth where it's stomach should be. It had 2 large fangs that reminded me of those giant spiders and other than that, it had a humanoid shape. I assumed it was about 5 feet tall but it was also pretty wide.

I continued through the vents as I tried to ignore it's screeching. I made my way to a dead end that had a hatch which led down into a room that seemed empty. I felt uneasy but pressed on and dropped down...

To see 5 armed guards pointing rifles at me.

"W-Wait don't shoot"!! I shouted instinctively.

I watched as they moved out of the way as a scientist made her way towards me, looking around as if she was some kind of health inspector.

"My, My...This place is really bland. I might have to issue a makeover for some of these rooms". The scientist said, annoyed.

"Did you plan this"?! I Said, now even more confused.

"Well, obviously. Why would we leave any tool that is useful inside a room with a kid? Otherwise, despite your...ignorance of the obvious. You passed"! She stated, faking excitement.

"I passed what"? I said.

"Well, the director and I don't like sending such young...."Helpers" on potentially dangerous missions. We made an exception after seeing you survive all those cryptids in Bristin Forest but we just had to test you to make sure you were ready". She stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Your father insisted that he brought you along instead of sending you to an orphanage and that ultimately led to his demise. I'd reckon you don't make the same mistake". She finished.

I tried to comprehend everything that was happening but she just kept talking. I eventually tuned her out.

"As you already know..... So you will be assigned for guard duty for the next...... As your second Test....... Your schedule is....... Oh, and make sure to not open any...... And don't forget to read the rules" She rambled as I tried my best to tune her out.

"Uh... Wait- Your making me do some work for you, without pay? Isn't that illegal or something"? I asked cautiously.

"You will be being paid about $200 every day as long as you follow the schedule and don't break any rules". She stated, annoyed that I asked.

"W-Wait- What am I even guarding"? I Asked curiously.

She sighed before speaking, "Cryptids, those monsters that people don't have evidence on. Some are real but most are fake. We are a facility that contains them and studies them as well as patrolling any area nearby to prevent any...incidents". She finished, immediately regretting she told me so much.

"You are to stay in your room for the rest of the day, your job starts tomorrow". She stated and began to leave.

"W-Wait-" I said but she was already gone.

I was "Escorted" by the guards to my "room", or what I call, my cell. They forcefully pushed me inside and locked the door. I was trapped...again.

I spent hours just lying in my new bed, growing more bored as the seconds passed. I was going stir crazy when the light in my room started flashing red. The door to my cell unlocked and I quickly ran out to see researchers running away from something in the distance. I could hear gunfire and I was able to catch a glimpse of whatever was causing the commotion, It was the cryptid I saw earlier.

It immediately sensed me and started running towards my direction. I screamed and ran in the opposite direction. I managed to distance myself and ran into a room, barricading the door and immediately inspected where I was. I saw a giant glass frame that blocked me off from some creature in the corner of the room.

"Hello"? I asked, slightly shaking from the stress of the situation.

"What do you want from me..."? It asked in a deep voice.

"Y-You can talk"?! I asked, clearly shocked.

It turned around to face me and what I saw shocked me. The cryptid was around 7 feet tall and resembled a bear but was a bit different. It had a large mouth with gaping teeth and it had 4 eyes that looked at my very soul. Its fur was a dark grey and had horns on its head. It walked toward me and I could see its razor-like claws, almost 6 inches long.

"You do not resemble the scientists...who are you"? It asked, confused.

"I-I'm Travis, I was taken here and I don't really work here...yet". I said and continued."What about you? What is your name"? I asked.

"I...I do not have a name". It said.

"Maybe we can come up with one for you? Any suggestions"? I asked, trying to be friendly.

"I always liked the name, Darius". It said.

"Alright, Darius" I said, smiling.

Darius looked at me and sighed.

"I was captured about a month ago. I was being hunted by a group of humans when I was shocked with a large amount of electricity and incapacitated. I was quickly swarmed by the humans and sent here. Ever since, they asked me tiresome questions and poked and prodded at me. I do not wish to be here." He said solemnly.

"My father had been working for this place and we were both being stalked by some shadows that were giant spiders. I called for help but...I don't think that my father...." I trailed off, a knot tying into my stomach as I heard a familiar screech as the door and barricade was slammed forward.

I was blasted back by the door that was thrust in my direction and I smashed into the glass, shattering it at a tremendous force. I banged against the wall and fought to not black out. Darius looked in shock at the sudden turn of events but leapt to my defense. The cryptids launched themselves at eachother, both of them sent barreling towards me. I crawled out of the way just in time to dodge being crushed as they clashed. Darius slammed his claw into the cryptids chest as It shrieked in pain and used its mouth on its stomach to bite into his arm. Darius howled in pain but was able to maneuver himself and thrust his arm forward, slicing his claws through the cryptids neck. It let out one last screech as it bled out and died.

He pushed the now dead cryptid away from him and rushed to my aid.

"Travis are you-" He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as a guard lunged at him from behind, stabbing a needle into his neck. He immediately started wobbling and fell to the ground, unconscious.

I was barely awake as they grabbed me, Darius and the dead cryptid out of the room.

"Don't...Hurt.....D-Darius". I tried to say but it came out as a hoarse whisper that nobody heard. I blacked out shortly after...

I woke up back in my cell, Bandages wrapped around my head and the door was locked again. I searched the toybox in a desperate attempt to leave but there was nothing useful inside. I tried everything to leave the cell but they probably won't let me out until tomorrow. It took me ten minutes to make a friend... And only one minute to lose him.


I'm writing this as an update to my situation. I'll stay in contact with you all and keep you updated as much as I can. I just hope that Darius is ok...

Part 4



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Auronsit0 t1_jbieoeo wrote

I really hope Darius is okay, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him :(


Binx812 t1_jbkj664 wrote

Awww i hope you and Darius will get better. sorry about your dad.


Jack_But_Reddit OP t1_jbmpopp wrote

I'm pretty much ok except for some bruises and a concussion. I'm not sure about Darius as I haven't seen him since the cryptid breach...

Yea....It's fine. I just hope my father is in a better place now.


Sat_Thu t1_jbr79nx wrote

Darius the hero! If by any chance take a photo of it if you come in contact with a camera. Please update us. This is really interesting


Jack_But_Reddit OP t1_jbv9zhg wrote

I'm not really sure. They are apparently animals that people haven't discovered, and i guess the government keeps them locked up or something? They are called cryptids by the people who work at the facility i'm in. I never really got much info on them so far, so i don't know if there are specific species.