Submitted by TheDarkVoid79 t3_11xknop in nosleep

15th of May

A couple days ago we marched out of our legion’s fort without being told where we were going. Many of us believed we were to be deployed to the east, where rumors said that the Parthians were stirring up trouble again. Others thought that we were bound for Illyricum, where they say a rebellion was brewing. Then there were the few who, in hushed tones, said that the governor was calling upon vexillationes from the frontier legions in order to form an army that would usurp power from the Emperor.

However, all of our guesses proved to be wrong, as we were all shocked to learn that our destination was not far from our previous posting. Instead of being deployed to a far off province, we were instead sent to central Gaul. We had no clue what our purpose there could be, but as we entered a thickly forested area, we soon encountered a large fortress of stone.

It was odd to have such a large and formidable fortification in a place so far from the frontier and nowhere near any strategically important city or town. It seemed so random and out of place, yet it was there. However, that was not the only thing that caught our attention. Spreading out from both flanks of the fort were tall stone walls, although its ramparts were facing inwards instead of outwards. This made me realize that the fort was only a part of a bigger system of fortifications. However, the inner facing ramparts made me question why it was designed like that.

Halting outside the entrance, we were ordered to set up camp there and await further instructions. We later learned that the detachment we were supposed to replace was not scheduled to leave till the next morning and so the barracks assigned to us were still occupied. The men grumbled at the thought of having to sleep another night in tents with nothing but a wool blanket on the ground. It was clear that they missed the beds back at the old fort and were longing to sleep comfortably again in a barracks.

I scoffed at their complaints. They should consider themselves lucky that they no longer had to dig defensive earthworks around the camp, seeing that we were so close to a strong fortification already. Many of the legionnaires were still weak and inexperienced, new recruits who had never been in the campaign. I had hoped that the upcoming campaign season against the barbarians would give them the experience they badly needed. However, the gods seemed to be frowning upon me, as our cohort was sent to this lone fortress far from the frontier.

Being so far from the nearest settlement and being so heavily guarded, I couldn’t help but wonder what was being guarded there. Was the province’s treasury in there? Was it grain for the legions? Perhaps large stores of armor and weaponry? These possibilities crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed them all. It couldn’t be any of those, because none of them would require a fort so large that contained a detachment which, from my initial estimates, would have numbered at least three thousand men. Not only that, if they were protecting something inside, then why were the ramparts facing inwards instead of outwards? I had too many questions at that time and little to no answers.

However, my curiosities would be answered later that night.

At nightfall, once the men were asleep and the watch posted, the senior centurion leading our vexillatio gathered all of us centurions and told us that we were to head to the fort and meet with the senior tribune in charge. The senior tribune greeted us at the principia and wasted no time in explaining about the fortress under his charge.

The fortress, he explained, was actually a wall of circumvallation. This immediately piqued our interest, as we knew that the only reason such a wall would be made was in order to contain something inside. However, the more he explained, the more confused we became.

He told us that under the orders of the Emperor, the walls, and forts supporting it, were built to contain a phenomenon that only the gods could explain. Seeing the confusion in our faces, he gave us a nod and said that it would be easier to understand once we saw for ourselves. Then, without another word, he gestured us to follow him and led us away from the principia and up on the stone ramparts.

Once atop the ramparts, I saw something that made me feel true fear. I had thought that I knew what fear felt before. I had stood in the front ranks against hordes of barbarians, fought in battles where the odds were clearly against us and the chance of death were high. But none of that could compare to the sensation that ran through me the moment I saw what the walls were for. It seemed like my previous experiences were nothing but a mere punch on the face, while this thing in front of me gave me a stab directly to the heart.

In the middle of a barren lifeless field was something that I can only describe as a black eye. An eye that seemed to be staring directly at me, even if pointed directly up at the night sky. Protruding from the ground, this unnatural thing unnerved me and my fellow centurions. Briefly glancing at the senior tribune, his face held a neutral expression, although I could tell that he too felt uneasy while standing there.

After taking in what we saw, the senior tribune explained to us that the thing in the field is what they call the ‘Eye of Dis Pater’. They didn’t know its origins, but they did know that three years ago creatures that came out from the eye began wandering the land and annihilating a settlement near the forest. A few survivors, however, managed to escape and inform the governor, who dispatched vexillationes from the frontier legions to stop the creatures, before building a wood and earth rampart around the eye.

Ever since then the ramparts were improved and turned into stone and had towers that had ballistae mounted atop for additional support. A rotation of vexillationes from the frontier legions was also kept in order to garrison this fort and prevent any more creatures from roaming out and threatening Imperial land and citizens.

He firmly told us that it was now our new duty to spend a year holding the line against the Eye of Dis Pater. He informed us that the eye spewed out creatures once in a while in an attempt to invade our realm. These invasions were sometimes small, sometimes big, but whatever the size we were supposed to stop them at all costs.

Before dismissing us, he reminded us that our presence here and the existence of the eye was to be kept secret. The Emperor, he explained, did not want to cause panic among the masses. Because of that, all letters written by us and our men are to be reviewed by his staff to ensure that no mention of what was going on here would leak.

I’m not really sure if these orders of his include such documentation I’m making, but just to be sure I’ll keep these papers tucked away and hidden.


16th of May

Our detachment was finally let into the fort. We were greeted by the sight of the cohort we were replacing, as they stood by the entrance, ready to march out and back to their legion. Looking at the faces of these men, I noticed that many of them were just staring forward. Seemingly drained of life, the centurions, optiones, and legionnaires had the aura of emptiness. It was as if they were a group of walking dead men.

A few of them did make a few glances towards us, but the expressions on their faces were far from positive. Instead, they stared at us with eyes that seemed to be trying to warn us.

Making our way through the fortifications, members of the senior tribune’s staff guided us towards our posting. During this point, we had to go up the ramparts and so the men got their first glance of the eye. Just like us centurions the night before, their reaction was one of fear, as some halted to stare at the eye. However, a quick slap of my vine staff got them going again. Although I felt uneasy being exposed to the eye, I tried my best to hide it. We centurions are supposed to know no emotions aside from anger after all.

Many of the men, however, did have questions in regards to the eye. All we told them was that was what we were supposed to protect the Empire from.

Reaching our posting, our cohort was assigned to a castellum on the northern portion of the wall. The rest of the day was then spent cleaning the barracks the previous cohort had left and setting it up to become our new homes for the year.

My century had been assigned by the senior centurion to mount a guard atop the ramparts. Choosing ten men, I was frustrated to see them resist and tell me that they would not stand there and be exposed to the eye. However, after threatening to flog them, and after a few hits from my vine staff, they were eventually convinced to go up under the watch of my optio.

Later that day, us centurions were called up once more by the senior tribune and once more found ourselves at his principia. Like the night before, he wasted no time and immediately led us outside to another structure that resembles a stable. However, the sounds that came out from it did not sound like horses.

Entering the building, we were greeted by the sight of a cage with a strange creature locked inside of it. Standing tall as a man, but having skin that resembled scorched flesh, the creature had no nose, eyes or ears, but seemed to be aware of our presence in front of it. In the area where the mouth should be, a wide slit was located. Every once in a while, it would open the slit to reveal long dagger-like teeth.

However, out of all its features, the one that stood out the most were the six arms protruding from its sides. Located where a man’s arms normally should be, the creature had three long bony looking arms on each of its sides. These arms were nearly triple the length of a normal man’s arm and, instead of ending with a hand, it had a sharp dagger like tip. It was due to these arms that the creature got its name, aranea.

The senior tribune explained to us that the araneas would be the most common creature that we would encounter coming out of the eye. He said that they ran fast and came out in hordes larger than any barbarian horde that we could have possibly seen before. Because of their numbers, they would often pile up before the walls and eventually form a ramp for other araneas and creatures to get up on the wall. Because of this we were warned never to underestimate them.

He then advised us that a strong firm thrust from our gladii would be enough to penetrate its skin and make it bleed. To be most effective at killing it, he told us to aim for its chest.

The senior tribune then allowed us to approach the cage in order to get a better look of the creature. We moved closer, but stayed back far enough that we would be out of the range of its arms. As we observed the creature stare and make a low howling at us, the senior tribune told us that this specific aranea was captured in order to familiarize new detachments on one of the creatures the eye releases. He then said that it would be moved to our castellum tomorrowing morning so that our men would see what they would be up against when the time comes.

After leaving the building, the senior tribune then said that his staff would provide us centurions with sketches of the two other creatures that came out of the eye. We were told to familiarize ourselves with these sketches, learn the weaknesses listed with the notes that came with them, and then teach our men the things we learned.


17th of May

The saxa are large four legged creatures, with skin that resembles stone. Their size can range from that of a horse to as large as a two-story building. Due to their size and build, they can be a threat to the walls. The only counter for them is a good shot from the ballista. Compared to the araneas they are much fewer in numbers and the eye only spews out a couple dozen of them at a time.

Meanwhile, the spica is another threat that could prove deadly if they are able to get up the walls. Round with spikes all over its fleshy body, these creatures are often seen rolling around with araneas. Waiting till the araneas piled enough to form a ramp up the wall, the spica would then wreck havoc among the defenders at the rampart, as it would roll and slam against the vulnerable and unarmored feet of the legionnaires. The best tactic against them is to have auxiliary archers and pilum armed legionnaires attack them from range before they could get up on the walls.


20th of June

After a month since our arrival, we finally experienced our first attack last night.

It occurred late into the night, the watch had just switched and I had just replaced the previous centurion on duty. Gazing out towards the eye, I could barely see its silhouette through the darkness of the night. From my position it looked like a hill, a large mound that rose from the ground. But unlike any hill, it gave out a sensation that made you feel it was staring back at you.

Making my way along the ramparts, I carefully checked each man on watch, making sure that they were awake and alert. After a month on duty here, many of the men were less hesitant to mount watch atop the walls. The men were still scared of the eye, because I know I still am, but after a month of duty here with nothing occuring, the calm monotony has allowed them to do their jobs knowing that the chances of danger were low.

However, just as we were getting comfortable with our current posting, the moment we feared the most happened. The eye began to unleash its terror.

Finishing my rounds and leaning against the rampart, I stared at the eye as I felt it stare back at me. I don’t know what secrets it holds, but I feared what was inside of it. If creatures like the are areanea came out of that thing, then who knows what powers are held within it.

Lost in thought about the eye and mysteries, I was suddenly and violently taken away from such musings when brightnest covered the whole surface of the eye. Gazing ahead and watching, I was shocked to see that the formerly pure black eye lit up and shone light all along the field. As it did so, it emitted a low humming sound that echoed in my ears.

This was it. We were told how it would look like when it was ready to spew out a new wave of monstrosities and this was how they said it would happen. Deep inside I felt scared and I was nearly taken over by so much fear that I felt unable to move.

But I was a centurion and I had a job to do. Taking a deep breath, I drew my gladius and alerted the rest of the cohort of the situation.

The next few moments were filed with centurions and optiones shouting and legionnaires rushing up to man the ramparts. Gathering my own century, I shouted out order, my voice trying to stand out from the humming noise that seemed to grow louder and louder.

Soon enough my century was fully deployed and ready on the rampart. With us were three of our cohort’s six centuries. The other two were back at the castellum, as they formed a reserve that was ready to plug up any breach that may form. Joining us on the ramparts were auxiliary archers, ready to provide ranged attacks. Together, our force was to protect the northern wall and make sure that none of the eye’s creatures get through.

Moments after our forces deployed, the first of the eye’s creatures began to come out. I don’t understand how they managed to go through a solid object, but I didn’t think too much about it at the time. I was more concerned about the numbers that were coming out, as it seemed that an endless wave of creatures tumbled out of the eye’s surface and began rushing through the field.

Initially, the eye was releasing hordes of araneas from its eastern facing section. From there the araneas stumbled and ran towards the eastern wall, whose archers began firing at them. However, as time went on, the eye began releasing araneas from all faces, and I soon ordered my men to prepare themselves.

A clump of around three hundred to four hundred araneas were the first to charge towards us. Behind them were even larger clumps, with the one numbering an estimated five hundred, and the next numbering around a thousand. However, even more came out of the eye and I quickly learned there was no point counting them.

As the araneas ran towards us, they let out a low howling sound, similar to the one made by the caged one we saw. However, instead of having one creature howl, this was in the many thousand. Their collective howls, combined with eye’s humming, made a noise that was both intimidating and frustrating. It made it hard for me to think and plane, while also making it difficult to give out orders.

Once the horde got closer, the auxiliary archers wasted no time letting loose their arrows against the approaching araneas. However, such ranged shots did not seem enough to stop them. Due to the distance and the power of the bows, the arrows merely poked their skin, lodging the tips on them, but not penetrating deep enough to make them bleed. Despite this, the archers kept on firing, littering the approaching hordes with arrows. Once in a while, a lucky shot would take out a creature, earning a cheer from the archer who brought it down.

Seeing them approach and noting that the arrows had little effect on them, some of the legionnaires under my command began to shake and glance towards the rear. Years of experience has told me what such acts meant and so I was careful to approach the legionnaire who turned their heads and gave them a light tap on their backs. They may be scared of the creatures in front of them, but I wanted to remind them that they should fear me more and what I would do to them if I catch them running away.

Soon the creatures were upon the defensive ditch and were stumbling into it. As they tripped and fell, some of the araneas impaled themselves on the sharpened wooden spikes lodged in the ditch. This obstacle slowed them down and I also knew that them being there meant that they were within range of our pila.

Giving the order, I soon had my men let loose their pila, as the other centuries of our cohort did the same. At this range the bows of our auxiliary archers were also becoming much more effective, as closer ranges meant more power for them. Because of this, our combined pila and arrow onslaught managed to bring down a good number of araneas, making the ditch a killing zone for them.

However, as their first ranks fell, those behind them continued, stepping on the bodies of the deceased creatures. Letting loose our second round of pila, we brought down another good number. Yet more of them, rushing forward and stumbling into the ditch. Eventually, there were so many araneas in the ditch that they managed to fill it up with their bodies. This meant that the hordes behind them were able to easily get over the obstacle and rush towards our walls.

It didn’t take long for the first of the araneas reach the base of our wall. Pressing themselves against it, they uselessly swung their many hands on the stone wall, trying to break it to no avail. Being pressed on by the creatures behind them, the leading araneas ended up being stuck where they were.

With my men having depleted their pila, those in the first ranks resorted to using their slings. Lobbing cast lead bullets with their slings, they and the archers continuously bombarded the araneas with ranged fire, knocking down and killing a good number of them.

Making my way to the first line of my century, I looked down with satisfaction as I watched the creatures fall. However, glancing forward to see the endless wave of creatures pouring out of the eye, I couldn’t help but feel my heart beat fast in fear. I realized at that point that it would only be a matter of time before we ran out of projectiles and these creatures pile up enough bodies to scale our wall.

Moments passed and the pile of anareas below us began to grow. More and more of them got on top of one another, forming the living ramp that we had been warned about. When I saw this rise higher to the point that the long arms of the creatures were able to scrape the edge of our rampart, I knew that things were about to get bloody.

Ordering my men to raise shields, those in the first ranks quickly withdrew their slings and lifted their scutum. Standing among the first rank, I watched anxiously as more and more sharp dagger-like tips of the araneas’ arms poked up from the edge of the rampart.

Soon enough the first creature to fully raise itself above the edge came into view and as it stabbed its hands towards me, I used my shield to block the blow, before using all my strength to shove my galdius forward. Aiming right for its chest, I was able to penetrate its thick skin and drive the tip of my blade deep into it. This was enough to defeat the creature, which quickly fell back, my gladius sliding out of it as it fell.

However, as it fell, another one rose, and I had to repeat the same process. All around me my century did the same, using their shields to protect themselves against the creature’s blows, while counter-attacking with the gladii.

Once in a while, I would hear the pained scream of one of my men and I would let out a curse of frustration, knowing that they were either killed or injured enough to be taken out from the line. But the fight continued, as the man behind him was trained to step forward and take his place.

As more and more araneas surged forward and tried to take out rampart, I noticed that the men in the first line were starting to slacken. Tired from the constant battle, I knew that they needed to rest. Because of this I called for the first line to retire and had the second line advance to take their place. With that done, the fresher members of the second line continued the fight, as I kept my place and fought with them.

However, I got too distracted with the fight in front of me that I nearly forgot to check the overall situation around us. It was only when a horn signal cracked in the air that I was alerted to what was happening in other parts of the battle.

This signal was one of many that was taught to us early on after our arrival here. It was a warning that the spica were on the field and raising forward. Immediately I became alert and warned my men to watch out for any spica jumping over the ramparts. The horn would have also alerted the archers to target the spica above all others, but I knew that this was not a guarantee that none would get through.

As I continued fighting the battle in front of me, worrying if a spica would emerge at any point, another horn signal blared. This time it made a cold chill run through my back. It was the alert that saxa were on the field.

Stabbing the aranea in front of me and using my shield to cover myself, I managed to glance towards the distance and see the large figures of huge saxa rushing out from the eye and heading towards our direction. From this quick observation, I estimate that they were as tall as a two-story building. These were the big ones.

Having little time to worry too much about this, I continued my fight against the araneas, as I prayed to Mars that the ballistae would be able to take them down.

While I was changing the front ranks for a fresher line, I heard a loud cheer coming from a ballista crew on top of a tower to our right. This gave me and my men a morale boost, as it meant that the crew had taken down a saxum.

However, that lift in morale did not last long, as I soon heard panicked cries to my left. The words would forever be ingrained in my mind.’

“Spica among the ranks! Spica among the ranks!”

The voice came from the centurion that held a portion of the ramparts to the left of my century. His shout was then followed by panicked and pained cries of legionnaires, as I can only imagine groups of spica ravaging their ranks, as they stabbed the exposed feet of the men there.

It was terrifying to hear their screams, but there was nothing I could do to help them. The only thing I could do was alert the men on the left flank of my century and tell them to keep an eye for any spica that might come our way.

As the battle raged on, with the hordes of creatures seemingly pouring out without cease, I began to notice that the humming from the eye began to lower. Lessening over time, it sounded as if the eye was getting tired and running out of energy. Eventually, the humming ceased, leaving us with the howls of the araneas, the stomping of the saxa, and the shouts of our men.

For a moment I was able to glance at the eye long enough to see that it no longer shone bright. Instead it had returned to its earlier state, with its skin black as the night once more. I also noticed that no more creatures were coming out of it.

However, any relief this might have brought me was quickly shattered when I heard the sound of flesh being crushed. I then looked forward to see the bodies of a dozen aranea get flung upward to the sky. This was then followed by an intense slamming sound and shake of the floor beneath me. We on the ramparts were barely able to keep our balance, as the wall we stood on was shaken by powerful slams.

Channeling all the bravery left in me, I dared to look over the edge of the rampart to find myself facing directly at a saxum. Standing there at the base of the wall, this giant, in its reckless pursuit against our wall, had trampled and flattened all the araneas that had been piled in front of us. Now its large eyes briefly stared at me, peering into my very soul, before its whole stone body lugged forward and slammed on the wall. Its impact forced me back and made me bump against the legionnaire behind me.

Regaining my balance, I ordered my men to use their slings and throw bullets at the giant’s eye. However, despite many shots hitting, they seemed to do little to stop the creature. Once more, it slammed against the wall and I could hear the sound of stone crumbling before us.

Fearing what might happen next, I was about to order my century to get down from the rampart, when the sound of something large dropping filled my ears. Waiting for a moment, and feeling no more impact against our rampart, I once more dared to look over the edge and saw that the saxum had collapsed. Studying it for a moment, I noticed a large crack on the creature's head, just between its eyes. Then, in the distance, I could hear cheering from one of the far away towers. Sighing in relief, I told myself that I owe the crew of that balista a round of drinks.

The battle was ending at that point, with sections of the wall finishing off the last clumps of araneas.

Exhausted from the fight, many of the men slumped along the ramparts, drained of both their energy and emotions. However, despite this, many of us stayed fully away that night, fearing that another attack may come or a few creatures that somehow remained alive may sneak up on us if we weren’t alert enough.

The fight ended up with light casualties for my century, but the century on my left fared far worse, with around half their numbers taken out by the spica. The rest of the defenders also suffered badly, with portions of the southern line nearly overrun. We were later told that it was one of the biggest attacks by the eye so far and the fight had been a close call.


25th of June

Word has spread that an insane legionnaire has entered the eye. I did not witness it myself, but according to a fellow centurion who was on watch that day, a legionnaire had snuck out of the walls and began walking towards the Eye of Dis Pater. It didn’t take long for the watch posted on the walls to spot him, but no one dared to go down and stop him. Instead, they called out to him to stop and turn back. But he didn’t.

Instead, he walked up to the eye until he was a few steps away from its surface. Moving closer, he placed his hand on it and to the shock of many, it went through. Then, without hesitation, the legionnaire shoved his way forward and disappeared.

From what I gathered, the legionnaire was a veteran from one of the cohorts at the southern wall. Ever since the battle, it is said that he had been reclusive and had been talking to himself at night. Now, it is believed that he had gone fully insane and done something none of us would have dared to do.

It is said that the senior tribune was very shocked at the news, but was interested when informed that it was possible to go through to the eye during this seemingly dormant state it was in. A rider is rumored to have been quickly sent out after the senior tribune has been informed of the events.


8th of August

Something strange happened this morning while I was on watch. It started off like a normal day on watch, with me checking the men and making sure that they were at their post and concentrated on their duty. However, as I finished my rounds and gazed towards the eye, I felt a strange sensation. Although I and many others have felt the sensation of the eye staring back at us, this one was different. It didn’t feel like it was just staring at me. No. It felt like it was talking to me.

It was in the wind. Its voice was talking in the wind. At first I couldn’t understand it, the voice was strange and the language foreign. However, as I listened, it started to become more and more clear.

Concentrating on it, I soon understood its words until it began telling me something.

“You are a fool to stay here, centurion. Run while you can. They will kill to keep the secret. They will end up killing you and your men.”

Then it ended. The winds once more became wind and I was left to wonder what I heard.

Was it really the eye that spoke? Or was it my exhausted mind making up things?


15th of August

I had a dream of slaughter. Men dead, massacred. Blood was everywhere, the bodies piled into a massed grave, They were legionnaires and they were familiar to me. Staring at their faces, I saw the men of the cohort we had replaced. Every single one of them was now there, a look of shock plastered on their face.

I can’t get this dream out of my mind. No matter how many times I try to distract myself with duties, it keeps reappearing.


20th of August

The fort is filled with excitement. A legate has recently arrived with a contingent of five cohorts. Rumors quickly spread among the men, as everyone wondered what this could possibly mean. Was the current garrison to be replaced? Was the fortification going to be extended?

None of us knew what the legate’s arrival meant, but later that night all centurions from all cohorts were gathered at the principia, where the legate was to hold a meeting.

At the meeting the legate told us that he was sent by the Emperor himself. He explained that the Emperor is thankful for our valiant defense of the fort against the evil creatures of Dis Pater. He then said that after the close battle that occurred last June, the Emperor wanted to find a permanent solution to stop the attacks. After learning that it was possible to enter the eye during its dormant state, the Emperor asked that an expedition should be sent to see what was on the other side and figure out if there was a permanent way to end the terror.

The legate said that this was his purpose here and he said that he will accomplish the Emperor’s order.


25th of August

The legate ordered a scouting force to enter the Eye of Dis Pater, see what was on the other side, and report back to him. We thought this would not succeed, especially since the legionnaire that first entered it never came back. We Romans, however, were glad to learn that it would be a turma from the auxiliary cavalry that would be sent in.

We watched them enter and, once they were gone, gave no more thought about them. We were all convinced that they would be consumed by the eye and were as good as dead.

However, later in the day, we were surprised to see them ride out of the eye. I was on watch when that occurred and, although there were ten less riders, the fact was they had returned. They immediately reported to the legate, who is said to be pleased by the reports he was given.


27th of August

Another scouting force was sent into the eye today. This time it would be three turmae of auxiliary cavalry. The force ended up being gone for most of the day, but emerged out of the eye as night began to fall. They suffered heavy casualties and many of them were badly injured.


29th of August

We had just come back from a meeting with the legate. He plans for us to enter the Eye of Dis Pater tomorrow. According to him, the previous scouting mission has found the river of life for the eye and cutting it off would kill the eye and finally end its reign of terror.

I don’t really understand what that means or how we are going to cut off this river of life, but I am afraid of tomorrow. No campaign before this has frightened me the way this one is. After seeing what creatures came out of the eye and after seeing how many casualties all the scouting missions entering it had suffered, I knew that such an expedition into the eye would be bloody.

Rumors from the auxiliary cavalry also say that there are more creatures on the other side.

The legate plans to send seven cohorts of infantry, one ala of auxiliary cavalry, and one cohort of auxiliary archers on the expedition, all to be under his command. Two cohorts of infantry and one cohort of auxiliary archers are to be left behind to defend the fort, under the command of the senior tribune.

Sadly, for us, one of the infantry cohorts tasked to join the expedition is ours.

May Mars give us the strength to accomplish our task and may Jupiter light our way home.


The archeological site in central France is a curious one, as it seems to be a large fortification built in central France during the Principate-era of the Roman Empire. Archeologists and researchers alike are baffled why a fort of such size would be built in an area that was known to be peaceful at the time of its construction.

The fort itself has a strange layout, something uncommon for Roman forts at the time. Four walls surrounded an open empty field that had a lake at the large pond at the center. On the southern wall, a large castra stood, while smaller castellum on the north, eastern, and western portions of the wall. Such a format reminded us in the team of a wall of circumvallation, although none of us could find out what the Romans were trying to surround here. Survey of the central field reveals no signs of a settlement, but pieces of cast lead sling bullets, stones believed to have been fired from ballistae, arrow and pilum tips have been found.

Further surveys of the surrounding forest area were conducted in hopes of finding more archaeological evidence to help answer the question. This proved fruitful, as it resulted in a new discovery. However, instead of answers, it only opened up more questions.

This new discovery turned out to be a mass grave for fallen Roman legionnaires. From the skeletal remains recovered, it was noted that they were killed after being attacked with gladii and pila, leaving some speculate that they were killed by fellow Romans. Other objects recovered were various pieces of armor, weaponry, and dozens of vexilla. These vexilla have markings indicating that they belong to legionary detachments that had served at the fort. A leading theory at the moment is that these legionnaires were ordered to death by the superiors in charge of the fort in order to keep the secrets there contained. This theory, however, still lacks sufficient proof and needs further evidence and study.

These documents I translated were found inside in a leather satchel hidden under the floorboards of a room which archeologists believe were officer’s quarters at the northern castellum. Sadly, the other documents with it seem to have deteriorated to the point that they are unreadable. However, it seems like the document dated 29th of August is the last one this centurion wrote, with it being the last one in the group of papers.

The validity of the centurions account is currently being questioned by me and my research team, as his words describe the impossible. All of us knew that it was impossible to use his words as proof that unworldly creatures exist.

However, I have to admit that this place does have an aura of something strange towards it. Sometimes, when I wander near the pond, I can't help but stare and become fixated at it. As I do, I can’t help but feel the wind try to talk to me, as if trying to find the right words to say.

Yesterday, I felt like it did, because I swear I heard the wind whisper:

“I will be back.”



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Wolfcape t1_jd3wwgd wrote

I can't tell if the former soldiers were converted into an army for the eye, or they succeeded in "killing" the eye and were silenced about what they found. Either way, I hope the whispering wind is wrong.


Justanothersaul t1_jd5k1vy wrote

The eye is closed and these creatures didn't invade our world, so those soldiers at minimum wounded the eye. Have some survivors returned to the surface? I hope yes, and I wish they managed to escape the traitorous blades of their fellow Romans, pushed on them by the Emperor. The Centurion not only fought with honor, but left a vivid testimony of his own and his men struggles, and a warning we should embrace. May their spirits enjoy their reward in the afterlife


hs123go t1_jdaa3op wrote

Before 2022, there were talks about excavating for evidence of a supernatural entity like The Eye in Ukraine and the lower Volga region of Russia, which have been hypothesized as potential origins of the Huns.

The key idea is that another Eye (or the prophesized return of this One) may have triggered the Great Migrations and indirectly the Fall of the Roman Empire. Either the Huns fled West to escape the Eye, or their effort to close the Eye once again hardened the Huns into a hyper militaristic society that was forced to channel their excess combat personnel into expansion.


MyLoaderBuysFarms t1_jdt9e2w wrote

The Eye is in for a surprise when it meets an air-to-ground missile.