Submitted by TCDimes t3_1255q50 in nosleep

Part one:



My brother turned slowly, eyes wide open.

His flashlight left my car, slowly panning towards his.


My brother opened his eyes in amazement, gazing into the empty road with a look of amazement.

"Dude!!! Let's get the fuck out of here!" I screamed, motioning to his car.

He snapped out of his trance like state and quickly made his way back to his car.

He turned the key and to my relief, his car turned on and finally, I felt safe.

He locked the doors and we sat there for a few minutes evaluating what to do.

We decided we would go home, then return for my car the next day.

My brother peeled out and drove home faster than we should have, but slower than we liked.

We walked in the door and we locked all the doors.

I dialed 911 and sat on the phone with the police, although there was a chance they wouldn't believe me, I thought it was best that I told someone.

Two officers came to investigate and question us, filed a report, did a search around the property and left.

The following weeks were mainly sleepless. I decided to not go back for my car, as I didn't want to leave my house. I had my sanity in mind, and not leaving my house was better than risking someone keying my shitbox 1997 civic.

I installed security cameras around the outsides and insides of the house, got new locks for the doors and obsessed over my personal security. I would sit in my room for hours watching those cameras, forgetting to eat.

My brother came to me and told me he needed to go on a vacation to "find himself". He said he would be back in a few weeks. I begged and pleaded for him not to go but it was no use, he packed his stuff into a backpack and left.

I invited a friend to come stay with me while my brother was gone. He helped me and finally I was able to get some sleep. I just couldn't shake that face out of my mind, and I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me.

I was finally feeling better since my brother had left and told my friend that he didn't have to stay with me anymore.

My friend left and the next few days were better. I was able to leave the house, going for walks, etc.

One night I was watching a hockey game on TV. I heard footsteps approaching the front door, followed by a scratching. I grabbed a pocket knife I had on the table and stood up. I was tense, but comfortable and knew if someone was trying to get in I was ready.

The door swung open hard, my brother stood there smiling.

"Holy shit man, you scared the fuck out of me." I said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Hey buddy! How are you? Oh god, put the knife down." He said, still smiling.

Something was off, that smile, it was too wide for a human. I rubbed my eyes and the smile seemed to be normal again, was probably suffering from some sort of PTSD from what happened a few weeks prior, I thought.

My brother locked himself in his room the entire day. Weird behaviour but he wanted to rest, I thought.

Throughout then day, the silence was broken with occasional screeches and bangs from my brothers room.

That night I was in my room, four monitors monitoring the cameras. My anxiety was back, and with that, I knew that the next week would be sleepless.

I was in my room writing down my experience when my LED light strip around my desk went dark, power was out... I had a power supply unit hooked up to my setup which gave me around two hours of power.

I decided on staying at my desk until the power went out and hopefully I would be asleep by then.

I had just started to nod off and that's when I saw some movement in the living room. I looked closer and saw a figure standing peaking it's head around the wall leading to the bedrooms. It was dark, and I could make out features, but nothing concrete. I leaned in to get a better look and that's when it approached the camera.

It revealed itself, smiling again, with its wide smile, eyes milky white like I remember. It raised a long, skinny white arm with long fingernails, each decorated with a thick, crusty fingernail.

It let out a little wave before tilting its head and forming its fingers into a pointing motion.

It was motioning behind me.

I flipped around to see my bedroom completely empty.

When I turned back to the camera, the figure was gone.

When I looked at my peripheral vision on one of my monitors, my bedrooms camera showed a tall, white figure standing behind me, waving at the camera with its same smile.


My name is Detective Bannock of the Dakota County Police department. The above text was found when investigating a missing persons case at a rural home in south eastern Minnesota.

Tyler Edwards and his brother Liam Edwards were both reported missing by their parents. After searching the house, there was no signs of forced entrance. The computers were left on, a notepad was left open on the desktop containing the above text, whilst the cameras remained filming.

After reading the notes and watching the cameras, we cannot confirm a "figure" in the house. The power of the house went down between 2:37AM and 3:12AM, and during this time, the camera footage was frozen.

The brothers left without taking any of their belongings.

Tyler's car was found with a destroyed battery on a rural road south of his home.

Tyler's room was filled with tons of security equipment, weapons, and multiple locks on his door.

Liam's room was completely empty. Repeatedly drawn on the walls was a depiction of a smiling face, with the mouth being too big for the face.

If you have any information on the brothers whereabouts, please contact the Dakota County Police department non-emergency line.



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broken1373 t1_je2ucie wrote

Oh double snap!! He better not be traveling. I was sitting on my back patio the other night and saw a dark moving shadow near the back of the yard. I did NOT look behind me. I’m not having that sneaky smiling-ass mofo trick me. No sir.


Lacygreen t1_je3mrzi wrote

That entity was using your brother’s voice in the last part before he even came on the scene. I’m thinking they have a connection that goes back before all this.


monkner t1_je3t6cj wrote

I have to say I’m always impressed when someone keeps writing, describing every detail of what’s happening up to the very moment of their death. That’s focus!!


SecretContext8966 t1_je5tnfg wrote

Lesson learned. Don’t go on a journey to ‘find yourself’ or you’ll find someone or something else you don’t want to.


Bigboiwillyy t1_je6oecf wrote

Well thanks alot, now i have a fear of looking behind me!!!