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Hadochiel t1_jd2g2jn wrote

The parents, definitely, but children, even cruel ones, should at least have the chance to redeem themselves.

Of course, if they're still cunts as adults, sledgehammer to the face


Reasonable-Pack1067 t1_jd35xxh wrote

bruh bullying a child as a child yourself is one thing. summoning their soul through paranormal means to torment them after they killed themself to escape you is a something else entirely. i know that often bullies are just children that only mirror what they see, but the extent of their hatred for lucy knew no bounds. allowing them to stay alive and live normally would not do poor lucy any justice. the bitches deserved it.


Hadochiel t1_jd37pb5 wrote

Again, they're children, and children are assholes. These girls went very much too far, but they deserve a chance at redemption, even if it's a slim one.

Especially when that behaviour could also be attributed in a non-negligible part to their shitty parents


Reasonable-Pack1067 t1_jd3jvi5 wrote

yes and i’m not saying any different. i too, said that their hatred for lucy was not their own, but rather, borrowed from and the parents, mirrored, and embodied. but you know what? those girls had enough the chance to redeem themselves when lucy was found dead in the bathtub. imagine, being the reason someone kills themself. wouldn’t that hit any sane person hard enough to motivate some change in character? they still went ahead, did what they did, to torment her soul after she died, because they had nothing better to do. they were given the chance to redeem themselves, but they never took it, instead, continued to afflict pain.


Artistic_Fall_9992 t1_jd45cng wrote

Yeah you are right, they deserved redemption but Lucy was a child too. So I don't think she understands this logic and I think that she would have only went for the children and not parents if their parents didn't force her mom out. For Lucy, her bullies were those children.


mia_elora t1_jd5fc3q wrote

I mean, considering the timing I don't think Lucy!ghost was going to do anything until her own mother died due to the adults in the house.


alkatori t1_jd3gjgs wrote

As a parent, I can't imagine being okay with my kids doing something so cruel after someone died.


mad_mad_madi t1_jd54et0 wrote

Sounds like they were given an opportunity and didn't take it.