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vardigr t1_jc425zn wrote

Auditory hallucinations are a bitch. I get them on occasion and in theory, I have nothing but depression/anxiety. If you have someone else present with you, and they react only to your reaction and not the sound, I would class it as a hallucination. I heard one of our kids drop the toilet lid once, at night when my husband and I were in bed vegging on our phones, and I jumped, but my husband didn't react AT. ALL. And no one came out of the bathroom. Hallucination.


SiccAsFricc t1_jc5codd wrote

It's the freakiest shit. When I was younger I'd hear breathing coming from under my bed, and just a few days ago woke up to the sound of breaking glass in my room. Noone to match the breathing to, nothing broken in my house