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Aluric_Fulebiert t1_je6ud0l wrote

Would surveillance cameras not work? Seems inhumane to risk one life for saving many others, That aside, you are a very great person for staying, not many people would be willing to do what you did, and hence I feel that it is very important that you keep this job, and also start looking for a successor(or, ask Amy to do so)

Contacting the government might be a good idea too, the secret services would be much better at giving the paintings constant surveillance. and at preparing for contingencies.

Thank you for your service!


Kidnaboy t1_je742qs wrote

Number one, generally trusting anything that isn’t your own eyes is considered a bad idea when it comes to the supernatural, we have no idea what they are capable of disguising themselves from. Number two, I believe the staring is more a reminder that they’re being watched, and that if they leave, the guard will see, having that many eyes on them may piss them off, or desensitize them. Best to stick with what works, definitely when at risk of apocalypse.


MidwesternGothica t1_jecv4mx wrote

Oh my God, contacting the government is possibly the worst thing to do. Oh God no.


montbkr t1_jedqr5u wrote

IDK. Never underestimate our Government’s ability to screw stuff up.