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Hour_Task_1834 t1_it479pf wrote

Dude, even after all else, she’s still your mother. You don’t have to become a vampire but at least don’t abandon your own mother. She said everyone she kills is a bad person anyways! At least hear her out, man…


Not_The_Eternal_Dude OP t1_it49720 wrote

I’ve thought about it. She is still my mom, and I do still love her. She raised me all by herself. But standing there in the hallway that night, seeing her covered in blood… that image has haunted me for years. I know that ultimately she wants me to become that. And that terrifies me. Maybe some day I’ll have the courage to talk to her again. But not yet…


blazes_0710 t1_it5phpd wrote

Honestly, the fact that she's his mother isn't an argument. The fact that someone is blood related will never be an argument.


Hour_Task_1834 t1_it5x1o2 wrote

It’s not just the blood related part, she raised him and cared about him and loved him.


blazes_0710 t1_it9fdgo wrote

And so...? At the end, he doesn't owe her...? Well, I mean it would be really unfair to hate her for no reason - It's not the fault of his mom he lived under her shadow -, but he's hanging from a thread that she can easily break at any moment.


LurkethInTheMurketh t1_itgdw3z wrote

This. That argument is a toxic weapon used against people with abusive parents. It needs to stop being used as justification for anything.