Submitted by Sonseeahrai t3_xu32hd in nosleep

Since I was ten years old, I've been tormented by nightmares. My parents would hear me moaning and sometimes screaming in my sleep almost every night. Every few nights the same dream would appear in my mind: I'm standing in front of a statue of an insanely beautiful woman and suddenly the statue starts decomposing like a dead human body, but it happens in seconds.

About a year ago, when I was fourteen, my mother, a very superstitious person, decided to buy a dream catcher for me. It was a cheap souvenire with plastic beads and black feathers, and she placed it in my room, next to the window. For a few nights no screams nor moans had been heard from my room, and after this time the statue appeared again. This time it didn't decompose - it turned into a real woman with a body made out of stone, smiled at me and said "I will protect you from what comes next". Despite this ominous prophecy nothing else happened in this dream and I woke up happy. Both my parents praised the dream catcher and I was able to continue living, this time without fear.

The statue lady would still appear in my dreams from time to time. She would warn me, give me strange advices and often try to ensure me that she was on my side. It was weird but way better than having non-stop nightmares. Then, one day the nightmares came back; I found myself surrounded by fire that was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the statue lady came from the sky and took me out of there, saving my life. "I promised" she said, disappearing into mist. The alarm went off about a second later, informing me that it was a time to go to school.

From this moment on, I'd have the strangest nightmares every night and the statue lady would always appear to save me from any horrors I was about to endure. With each next dream she would get more and more colours, slowly turning into a real human body instead of stone. Four days ago her change has been completed. She saved me from a psychotic murderer with a chainsaw and she asked me to call her "mother". I did that and she kissed my forehead. While she was leaning towards my head, I suddenly felt a rotten odour coming from her mouth. The person who leaned back was not my statue lady - it was her heavily decomposed corpse, the one I had been seeing in my older nightmares.

"Noone will take your sanity from me" she said. "You are mine to torment forever".

I woke up screaming and I saw a ghost or a somehow visible energy wave escaping my bed and flying to the window. It crushed the black dream catcher in half and got out, leaving me scared and crying. My mother's gift had been bringing nightmares upon me and my old nightmare had felt threatened, therefore it crushed the catcher. Now I am alone against the statue lady again and since that night I haven't fallen asleep. I feel as if I was slowly loosing my mind and I know that I'll eventually have to get some rest, hopefully before losing my mind. And when I fall asleep, the statue lady will put her rotten hands on me again.



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jessawesome t1_iqth18y wrote

Get an authentic one online!


Sonseeahrai OP t1_iqtkmwk wrote

After this I'm not ready to trust any other dream catcher but it starts to seem like my only option


RickC154 t1_iqufiz6 wrote

Have you tried any lucid dreaming techniques? Sometimes the best defense is a good offense.


Sonseeahrai OP t1_iquq7pl wrote

This might be a solution, but it probably won't work at the first time... And I can't meet the statue lady, not even once


Mailicious t1_iqtv1x5 wrote

Maybe the nightmares pretended to be the lady since she wasn't strong enough to hold them back?


limo1911 t1_iqucd4v wrote

I'm looking on every. You can find genuine crafters with real brothers beads whatever. Good luck and keep us posted.


Rangermatthias t1_iquxu6q wrote

There are other ways to keep entities out of your home.

Salt the window sill. But up another dream catcher, etc. Research it.


SleeplessLilac t1_iqwueh9 wrote

Look up cleansing rituals for objects and then get a real dream catcher. It's always good to cleanse objects of energy and then recharge them by putting them in the light of the full moon before use. That should be much stronger for you, if the practices I've been learning since I was a little witch are correct. The full moon is still a bit of a ways away, but even having a few cleansed ones at the ready at night may help, preferably ones you make yourself.


Sonseeahrai OP t1_iqwxc2n wrote

I hope I will make it on time before I fall asleep, my eyelids are getting heavier and heavier every moment


IncredulousCockatiel t1_iqy6shx wrote

I think I'm getting old because I never get things on the first take anymore. My question is whether the statue lady was always bad and the dreamcatcher just made it worse (kind of like a really mean wolf who later contracted rabies) or if the dreamcatcher somehow caused the entrance of a separate nightmare or entity that was crueler and more powerful, that drove the original nightmare away. Could someone please clarify if I have this right:

  1. The dream catcher caused a separate, evil nightmare to slowly overtake what used to be a regular nightmare until the evil was all that was left and --
  2. --regular nightmare (statue lady) peaced out, breaking the dreamcatcher and letting the evil nightmare complete the transition to the rotten form that is haunting OP

WorldOrphan t1_iqynfra wrote

Your statue lady might be a boo hag. They are from a Gullah legend, from the Carolinas and Georgia, originally brought over from Africa by slaves. But there are probably equivalents all over the world. A boo hag is a creature that sheds its skin and travels as a spirit at night. It sits on you while you sleep, gives you nightmares, and feeds on your energy.

A boo hag can get in through an open window or any little crack. It doesn't like a certain shade of blue (look up "haint blue") and you can repel it by painting the top of your windows that color. Also blue glass bottles hung from a tree are said to trap evil spirits.


Sonseeahrai OP t1_iqzpufp wrote

This... Might work! I'll try to paint my window


Ok_Office549 t1_iqux20j wrote

This actually feels strange. Maybe you should try to divert your mind from the whole stuff for sometime. Shifting to another place/room to sleep may bring a change too.


Sonseeahrai OP t1_iqwxlcj wrote

It's a third room I live in, we moved two times. It never helped with nightmares