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Writtenbasket18 OP t1_ir2qkwi wrote

I want to say yes; I wish I could say for certain that the creature is gone, but I would be lying. The clicking has gone, that is for certain, but it was last week when I was reminded about this whole ordeal. I was driving south to go see some of my family, and as I was driving through the woods I had a strange feeling, that feeling you get when you know you are in danger. Suddenly, as if it was divine working, one of my tires popped. I pulled to the side and began replacing it, but while I was underneath the car I heard something. Something was crawling on the top of my car, slithering around as it made a constant tapping motion. I was filled with fear, but when I got up and checked I saw nothing around. I assumed that it must have been a bird or something, and went back to business. Once I finished replacing my tire I got in the car and got back on the road. I was still thinking about it when I saw a familiar face in my rear view mirror staring at my with its void for eyes. I was filled with fear, and the moment I got home I decided I needed to share my story so that others would know. It is still out there, and I have personally come to my own chilling conclusion- one that would also explain why it did not kill me when it could have. The creature can only click while its eating, and it takes a long time to digest its meal. It stalks its next meal while digesting its first one, and leads its victim into insanity before killing them. Why it killed that woman then while I was camping and not me- I do not know. However, I know that it is very much alive.