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macromi87 t1_irc323q wrote

I think a variation of this story was how the original movie Candyman came out — cept instead of a hotel it was the projects in Chicago


CatrinaBallerina t1_irczo2i wrote

Nah. It was quite literally because he was unjustly murdered by police and he typically gave kids candy. There is a scene where he comes out from behind a wall in the projects, but he wasn’t living within the walls.


Broiledturnip t1_isghqw5 wrote

No, in real life Cabrini green the apartment walls in the bathrooms were not sealed/secure and a woman was murdered when her assailant came in through the mirror hole in her bathroom. It was part of the inspiration for candy man coming out of the mirror.


Dargor923 t1_ircyido wrote

What they described was a real incident. I remember I read about it a while ago in an article complete with pictures and everything.