Submitted by blubearrry t3_ya4lz9 in nosleep

I had always had this strange ability. I had always thought about telling somebody or using it to get a great job as maybe like a detective or a cop or something but in the end I had decided the best thing was to keep it to myself and just live my life away from people higher than a 1. A 1 can be bad but also you don't know their stories... It could've been in self defense. And so that's what I did. Nobody knows.

I now have a wife with a 1. She killed her dad when she was 12 and he was beating her mom as he did often, he was a drunken and she panicked, grabbed his bottle and shattered it over his head... Cracked his skull and he died almost instantly.

My child Sam is 2 years old, obviously a 0 and hopefully it'll always stay that way. Looking back now I would've been happy if he'd grown up to be a regular serial killer compared too what he very well might be now. I had gone on a vacation to Paris for work and unfortunately had to leave them behind for a week. It was only a week and nothing longer so I figured what's the worst that could happen for just that little amount of time. Well… I got home and

I look at Sam... 12. I blinked, 39. 75. 90. It continued rising all while he was just sitting there. I figured it couldn't be real- there was no way THERE WAS NO FUCKING WAY but... It was.. And he just.. Stared at me. With those complete black eyes. "Hello papa." He says in this dark raspy voice, the one you would hear from some dude living in the woods in a horror movie who turns out isn't a killer and saves the main character in the end.

He smiled at me... And I'll never forget the words he said. "150. 180. 200." All as the numbers hit there. After that he went limp and just fell backwards. 2 days later he woke up and his number was 0. It was just a hallucination or something is what I wish i could tell you but no. It happens every single FUCKING month. I saw on the news. 200 people every month die. His eyes are emerald green but during those times they're completely black. Look I could actually use some help here, please somebody help me. I.. My number when I look in the mirror is 0, but... As I held my hands around his neck... I watched it turn to 1... And then I felt as if I'd been shot in the head. I'm not typing this in the emergency room and... Now whenever I look at somebody... Their numbers are always 666



Who… What's going on again? Why am I typing here… Either way the paramedics are coming to take me to surgery! I'll get to go home! I wonder why they have the number 1,957,384 above their head… How odd, either way I'm… I'm drowsy… Goodnight everyone..



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brightcookie t1_itae5yz wrote

I don't understand the last part.


ElectronicEntry3132 t1_itas5wo wrote

It could be that he got arrested and sentenced to death and the “surgery” is lethal injection? Or a doctor with a god complex who decides who lives and dies based on his opinion.


Step_Boldly t1_itb89pw wrote

It seems he took anaesthetic and it kicked in near the end, causing confusion and a sense of euphoria.



112233meds t1_itanva2 wrote

I thought it was cause paramedics er etc have ppl die all the time. But I think I’m bad wrong lol


ziggypeachfuzz t1_itbyi3h wrote

my best bet is the entire thing is a hallucination & he killed his son.


FacelessArtifact t1_itdzcnb wrote

Does it matter how those 200-every month died? How did his little son choose who would die? There’s no more mention of his mom. Did his son kill her??? But…..people die every day anyway. Maybe his son will tell him now.