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grigoriprime t1_iu9opln wrote

I don’t want to alarm you as it seems you’re in a tough situation already… but can you check the name on the prescription bottles? If the name is yours, I would suggest contacting her doctor immediately and asking if you should be taking the pills. If they tell you yes, I would urge you to follow their advice. It may be that the pills are meant to help you deal with your wife’s… ah… changes after her trip and she’s just got you confused about things.


Yuis_H t1_iu9uaqs wrote

Those are medicines for schizophrenia and if she's not taking it you might need to get her to a psyche ward before she does more harm to you!


Skakilia t1_iuagkn1 wrote

I think uh, HE needs the psych ward. I don't think his wife is uh. Around anymore.


Mushie_84 t1_iu9l8wl wrote

''She returned from a long trip'' from where?


AbstractImagining t1_iu9gjj3 wrote

can I ask - what is it that you have been eating all this time, if not her poisonous food?


bobfish42 t1_iu9dyb3 wrote

My poor friend, are you sure that is her medicine?