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Orange__Moon t1_isxsm7n wrote

Being too clean is bad. You have no natural defenses to germs or bacteria if you constantly sit in a sterile environment. I just do normal cleaning. Nothing fancy or extreme. Me and my kid have never been sick except like allergies and winter colds and stuff. I'll eat food I've left out of the fridge for 24 hours. Even seafood takeout from restaurants. Never ever have I ever had food poisoning. My husband is weird and won't eat anything out longer than an hour or two and he get stomach illnesses like mild food poisoning often. He always tried to throw my takeout away if I didn't put it up cause it's usually shrimp or fish, but I had to break him of it. I still planned to eat it. Never even got an upset stomach. I'm telling you you need a little germs and dirt to be able to fight the bad stuff.