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grigoriprime t1_iu75yir wrote

You sound like a damn good cop. We need more like you.

But I would insist the hospital give you an extensive course of powerful antifungals. Specifically, I’m going to guess that this is some unique strain of ergotamine. If that’s the case, it’s really really nasty stuff. Like REALLY nasty. Totally setting aside the paranormal implications and the fact that ergotamine is the primary precursor of LSD, it’s also incredibly toxic and aggressive. So the good news is that the woman in your dreams may legit be a hallucination caused by Lysergic Acid compounds forming in your blood. The bad news is that, eldritch fungal horror aside, it could be much worse than the hospital realizes.


grigoriprime t1_iu77pqo wrote

Sorry, forgot to mention that ergotamine is concentrated from the mold ergot… which grows on wheat… and is hypothesized by some to have contributed to the mass panic that surrounded the Salem witch trials.

So if someone was trying to produce LSD in that house and somehow involved the dark forces that process, well, you can see why I’m concerned for you. Please keep us updated!


Kaylun_Rice OP t1_iu7vfch wrote

Thank you for the information and encouragement, it helps put my mind at ease understanding the science behind what I most likely experienced.

As for the info about the wheat mold, that’s ironic. I told some of my closer friends about my experience and now my team refers to that area of Crosswords as the House of the Mold Witch. It’s getting torn down soon. I say good riddance