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grigoriprime t1_is5vbdj wrote

I’m guessing that Jacob (pre corruption) developed actual human emotions towards you. If he loved you, that’s beyond the scope of what a normal guardian would be expected to feel. When he was turned, that emotion was probably also turned and now resembles the sort of hyper-possessive and psychologically manipulative type of love that some humans with psychopathy or BPD have for their intimate partners. While that’s terrifying to consider, it also gives you an advantage in that it provides a way to potentially manipulate Jacob that a guardian might not normally consider. Once you’re sure you can trust Chris, you may want to mention that.


GarnetSteel t1_is8llyi wrote

You had me in the first half but not so much with the second.


CandiBunnii t1_isfmwsu wrote

Please do not tap on the glass psychologically manipulate the magical beings

it scares the fish.