Submitted by xXKikitoXx t3_z7vy8v in nosleep


Days passed since they took my blood and every one of those days was the same. I was given a guest room across the hall from Eric, it was plush, fancy bed, big window - it made me mad. I didn’t want to be staying in a luxury palace while my brother was still missing. At some ungodly hour well before sunrise, one of them would walk into my room and begin cleaning. It was usually a woman, but twice it was a man, and neither of them cared at all that I was sleeping. Their interruption was, apparently, my wakeup call and the cue that I was to go to the bathhouse to be prepared for the day. If I didn't, Calla would come get me. 

Then we were bathed, dressed, hair brushed and expected at breakfast. There were only meals at dawn and dusk and if you missed one you weren’t permitted any food in between. Guards followed us closely at all times which allowed for no freedom and Eric had daily meetings with Nathaniel so I mostly stayed with Calla, since I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without one of them. They spent their spare time sparring one another in the gardens while I watched, becoming increasingly more restless by the second. I swear I was the only one who even still cared about Charles! 

It was as I sat on the bench beneath a tree with pink flowers watching them fight that Markos came to stand beside me. “Dreadfully boring isn’t it?” He commented.

I looked up at him surprised, he was wearing a well fitting tailcoat over a semi-unbuttoned shirt and he smiled down at me warmly, “Watching them practice the same things over and over. I usually take a walk. Would you care to join me?” He offered. The way he spoke was comfortable and while I knew he wasn’t human, he still felt kind of like a normal person. 

“Sure.” I grumbled. I wasn’t sure if taking a walk with a monster was a good choice, but I couldn’t sit still anymore.

He led me through parts of the gardens I hadn’t seen and toured me around the castle grounds. Along the way he made pleasant small talk, commenting on certain architectural features and pointing out trivia highlights. Initially I was only half listening, but gradually he won me over. 

“This castle has been the property of Nathaniel’s family for a long time. You know, it actually used to function as an insane asylum.” He said casually.

“Really?” I asked astounded, “I would never have guessed that.” Nothing about it seemed like it would be suited, aside from, I suppose, it's general isolation.

“Most wouldn’t.” He assured. We had come to a stop on a high balcony that overlooked the rest of the castle and he leant forward casually on the railing as he continued. “When Nathaniel claimed the castle he made several fundamental changes and that was something he abolished right away.”

“Wait, I thought you said the castle was his family’s anyway. Why did he need to ‘claim it’ if it already belongs to them?” I queried, narrowing my eyes as I came to stand beside him. 

“It does, it’s just that there’s a small dispute right now over who exactly it belongs to. Nothing you should concern yourself with... However, I do so wish that Nathaniel would take the matter seriously.” He explained with a sigh and I couldn’t help myself.

“What do you mean?” I asked more curiously now.

He hesitated then as if unsure whether he should continue before he at last spoke. “Nathaniel is very confident that he will be able to maintain hold on this castle… But I am not so sure. He cares little for politics and refuses all talks of peace. He has established connections with former enemies and disrespects his family name without any caution. I’m not certain that he even remembers our original goal… It’s as if he doesn’t care at all.” 

This surprised me but I understood exactly how he felt. 

“I know what you mean. We came here for help, but it’s been days and Eric hasn’t done anything. It’s like he doesn’t remember why we’re here or care about my brother at all.” I murmured.

“…I’m afraid I must ask for your forgiveness. Here I am talking of my problems, while I had entirely forgotten yours.” He said sympathetically, “I don’t have any siblings myself, but I consider Nathaniel to be like a brother. If he were to go missing, I don’t know what I would do.” 

“I just want him back..” I whispered quietly.

“It’ll be alright…” he assured, “Though I am surprised. I believed I was the one who brought Eric back, I thought he might be useful…  I didn’t realize he had an ulterior motive. Sometimes I wonder if he was simply willing to use any excuse to get back into the castle..” 

“Why would he need an excuse to come back here?” 

“Oh? Did he not tell you? He used to live here, until he was exiled for his disobedience. He’s been trying to get back for many years.” 

“He has?” 

“Oh yes. I have known Eric for a long time. He’s a very good liar, but he desires power above all else. I fear he might try to control Nathaniel.” 

I could taste bitterness in the back of my throat as I thought about what he said. It made a lot of sense to me. It had been days and Eric wasn’t in any rush now to find my brother. He had never shown any emotion over it, not a single shred of caring. What if all he wanted was a good excuse to get back to this place and ‘finding my brother’ was what he came up with?

“I don’t mean to upset you, I’m sure I’m mistaken.” Markos interrupted my thoughts, sounding apologetic. 

“It’s fine… Thank you for telling me.” I said quietly. I didn’t want to cry in front of him, but I could feel tears welling up and rolling down my cheeks. Everything was so much clearer now. 

“Of course. I felt you had the right to know. Should you ever need anything you can always come to me.” He said softly as he gently brushed a tear from my cheek with his thumb. His touch was cold but I didn’t mind, “Though, it’s probably best you don’t mention to him that you’ve spoken with me. He has a temper and you’ve seen the power he has over Nathaniel… I would hate to be reprimanded for this…” 

“I won’t tell anyone.” I assured him. Of all the people around, it was a monster who behaved the most human. 


After that I took a walk with Markos daily while Eric sparred with Calla. He was so friendly and honest about everything! He never hid what he was and answered every question I had. I thought that would be scary, but the way he spoke was so genuine that it was reassuring. I never felt like I was in any danger with him. In fact, I felt safer with him than I did with Eric.

He walked backwards ahead of me so that he was facing me, his expression was light. Caught somewhere between amusement and happiness as he seemed to enjoy my company. He was a nice break from the misery I felt. Though he did look kind of out of place outdoors, his eyes were less purple in the day time, more a light silver, and he laughed heartily when I asked if it was ‘safe’ for him to be  out in the sunlight.

“Where did you grow up?” I began my interrogation as I recovered from the embarrassment.

“France.” He answered without hesitation.

“Huh. And why did you come here?” 

“My family moved when I was very young.”


“We got chased out of town.” He smiled amused.

“What?! Why?” 

“Monster problems.” He teased, pushing the hair back out of his face when the breeze blew it back on him. 

“Wait, how old are you exactly?” Looking at him I couldn’t tell, I thought 30, but it was hard to say. 

“Hmm~ Exactly? Two hundred and ninety nine. Perhaps this time I will finally get a letter from the Queen.” He joked and I couldn’t help but laugh. I never expected that. He told me about so many other things as well. What it was like growing up in the 1800’s, how he watched the turn of humanity happen almost ‘over night’ and how his family raised him in a very simple lifestyle. 

By the time another week had passed I was looking forward to our post-breakfast talks. As usual Calla and Eric went about their routines and I waited for Markos. However, when he didn’t come to find me I felt a little stab of disappointment. I didn’t see him for the remainder of the day and neither he, nor Nathaniel, were at dinner.

“They’re not coming tonight.” Calla told me calmly as she noticed I was looking for him. 

“I wasn’t- I-I mean… Why?” I stammered, embarrassed and a little guilty.

“They are busy. There was activity on the border that they needed to attend.” She explained.

“Activity?” I asked curious but Eric interrupted. 

“Whatever it is, it’s not our concern.” He spoke without even bothering to look up.

“I’m not concerned… I’m just curious.” 

“Don’t be. Stay away from Markos if you can help it.” 

“Excuse me? Who are you to tell me who I should and shouldn’t be around?” I demanded instantly annoyed. 

“I know you go on a walk with him each day, but you shouldn’t trust him, or anything he tells you.”  

“Because you’re so trustworthy yourself.” I muttered quietly under my breath. Though it mustn’t have been as quiet as I thought because when he spoke again he lifted his gaze to stare directly at me. 

“If you have something to say to me, Claire. Say it.” He stated bluntly and I felt my ears heat with embarrassment.

“Fine.” I muttered in return, slamming my utensils down ready for a fight. “Are you even still looking for Charles?” I demanded. 

“Of course I am.” He responded tensely. 

“Really? Because it doesn’t seem like it! It’s so obvious you used to live here. Everyone knows you and you spend all your time in the gardens fighting Calla, or talking to that Nathaniel guy in his office. When exactly are you looking for Charles? My blood was taken days ago, so why is it taking so long?!” I could hear my voice raising with each sentence. He didn’t say anything when I stopped to catch my breath so I continued.

“My brother could be anywhere. He could be hurting or cold or hungry and we’re here in this ugly castle ‘taking baths’ and eating ‘magical fruit’! I don’t want to stay in this vampire’s den anymore!” I shouted, though he still showed no trace of human emotion and that really set me off. I could feel tears stinging my eyes but I was used to these kinds of fights with my parents so I didn’t let that stop me.

“You’re worse than they are! You don’t care about anything! For whatever kind of creature he is, at least Markos talks to me, he listens and he sympathizes. He tries to help and he at least cares! While you- You do nothing. You couldn’t find him before and you can’t find him now, I don’t think you’re even trying! You just wanted to get back to this stupid castle! Even now you just sit there, cold and emotionless.” I lowered my tone of voice as I felt pure rage burn through me. “You don’t act like a person because you’re not one! You’re subhuman and I wish you were the one who was taken instead of Charles.”  

I stopped there, I had run out of breath to go on and he still seemed entirely unfazed. It was useless, there was nothing in him that could even understand what I was saying, he was incapable. I glared at him as I regained myself and after a moment he grabbed his cane and stood up slowly. 

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He stated devoid of emotion as he moved to exit the room, leaving his food unfinished. When he left the guards followed him and I realized then that they hadn’t been following ‘us’ all these days, they were following him. I was about to shout obscenities after him when Calla spoke up. 

“Shut your mouth.” She spoke in a low tone catching me by surprise. “If you ever speak to him like that again, I’ll slit your throat.” 

Calla’s voice was unsettlingly calm as she made the threat and still no emotion crossed her face. However, when I looked into her eyes I felt a cold fear run down my spine. Something sinister resided deep in her eyes and I could feel the malaice leaking out. 

“You don’t know what it costs him to be here and if you want to talk about uselessness, let’s not forget that you’ve done nothing but cry for the past three weeks. The only useful thing you could have done was die.”

“What do you mean the only useful thing I could do is die?” I flinched slightly. 

“Didn’t you wonder why it’s taking so long to find him? Did you really think that those few drops of blood would be enough? Or easy to work with? Ordinarily the spell requires the entire volume of your body.”

“So why not just kill me then!” 

“Because you are Charles’s little sister and Eric wouldn’t allow it. He said Charles would never forgive him if he sacrificed you to find him and he spends the time he does with Nathaniel trying to rewrite the spell to work with so little.” she responded coldly. “You’re a stupid little girl and you would never have survived what he and I did. How he, or Markos, tolerate you is beyond me.”

She turned back to her food then as if she hadn’t spoken at all. Her expression was still neutral as she reached over the table to steal a square of cheese off Eric’s abandoned plate while I sat frozen trying to process the shock. I didn’t feel like eating anymore. Anger simmered in my gut and I got up from the table abruptly and stormed off, though she ignored me entirely. 

I made my way back to my room and no one followed me, I guess I wasn’t considered dangerous so they didn’t care what I did. It was Eric’s rule that I was supposed to stay with him or Calla and I didn’t much care to obey at that point. Then I had a better idea. I made my way to the bathhouse and prayed that was the right place to go for what I needed. 

I hadn’t been there by myself before and when I entered alone the women looked confused, “I need lingerie.” I stated confidently, only to be met with blank stares. 

“We have received no instruction to bathe you.” One of them answered calmly. 

“It’s a new order. I was sent by my master, I need to be washed and dressed in something sexy.” I lied quickly and though they still seemed confused by my request, they did move to fulfill it. Of course I had no say in what I got, they dressed me in lacy purple underwear with a semi-translucent robe over the top and sent me away with a long coat to cover everything on my way out. 

I lightly tiptoed my way back trying not to step in any snow too deep as my slippers did little to protect me from the cold, and made my way to Markos’s room. He had pointed it out to me once before on one of the tours, but I hadn’t seen inside it. I was relieved to find the door unlocked and slipped into the room. 

The interior was what one would expect for a castle. A spacious room illuminated by candlelight with a balcony and a canopy bed in the middle. In one corner was a desk and bookshelf while the rest of the walls were decorated with glistening ornaments and paintings. I had half been expecting that he would already be there so when he wasn’t I was at a loss for what to do. This was probably the most effort I had ever put into a hook up, most guys are just happy for you to show up, but I thought I might need to convince him given the circumstances. 

I waited for about an hour before I began to have regrets. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea? To calm my nerves I decided to step out onto the balcony. It was high up, overlooking most of the castle and I could see all the way down to the courtyard under the moonlight reflecting off the snow. 

Eric was down there, his dark hair and clothes standing out against the lighter surrounds. He seemed to be waiting for something though I wasn’t sure what until I noticed some people come through the gates. I didn’t recognise any of them, but they seemed to be in armor returning from somewhere. 

Shortly after I spotted Nathaniel and Markos returning to the castle as well. They both had a strange glow around them that sent blue sparks high into the air, I blinked assuming my eyes were playing tricks on me, it almost looked like they had wings for a moment before the energy died down. I watched as Eric approached Nathaniel and Markos subtly circumvented to avoid him. 

I realized then that he was probably going to come up to his room any time now and I hurried back inside. Nervously I adjusted my position on the bed several times, trying to work out the best pose to be in for when he arrived. Though I panicked in earnest when I heard footsteps coming down the hall and pulled the overcoat back on. 

When he opened the door I was standing at the end of his bed with the coat pulled tight around myself. He looked momentarily alarmed to see someone in his room before he determined that it was me, then his expression changed and he seemed slightly suspicious. “Claire, what are you doing here?” He asked with a tight smile. 

Instead of answering him I decided to drop the jacket. Allowing it to slip from my shoulders to the floor and reveal what little I was wearing beneath it. He froze in place when I did this, his expression was one of complete surprise as I stepped toward him. I worried then that I might have misread the situation. 

Thankfully, he seemed to relax. “Are you sure about this? You seem nervous.” He teased as he started removing his own clothes. I didn’t justify his remark with a response as I went to help him. Beneath those clothes his skin was marked with bruises and scrapes which caused me to pause. 

“Are you okay?” I questioned unsurely to which he looked entertained. 

“I’m very okay.” He assured, clearly amused as he moved to kiss me. His breath was oddly sweet and he tangled his hand into my hair as he pulled me closer. I could feel that he was somewhat restrained in his actions and I briefly wondered why. However, when he picked me up to carry me to the bed I lost all concern. He was strong and handsome, and before long we were intertwined.


When morning came he was gone and I made the walk of shame back to my own room as quickly as I could, hoping all the while that Calla wouldn’t already be there. By my good fortune, I got back before the cleaning lady even arrived and I was able to make my way to the bathhouse before anyone noticed. 

I sat in the warm water as my hair was washed and felt oddly guilty when I saw Calla. Sure she had threatened to kill me, but was sleeping with her boyfriend/not-boyfriend type person for revenge really the best choice I could have made? Probably not. By the time breakfast came around I was convinced everyone knew. Though no one said anything, and Markos behaved as he always did. He made no mention of the night before and I avoided making eye contact with him. 

“Where are Eric and Nathaniel?” I asked after enough time passed that I realized they were coming to breakfast. 

“Arguing.” Markos answered me casually.

“Arguing?” I repeated as a question. 

“The spell is complete enough to show your brother's location. But, not enough to know what you’d be walking into. Eric wants to leave, Nathaniel wants him to wait.” He explained further, though he sounded bored by it. 

“What do you mean not enough to know what we’d be walking into?”

“We can’t tell whether he’s alive or dead, alone or with others, what took him or-” He continued talking but I didn’t hear the rest as I all but ran out the room to find Eric.

It wasn’t hard to locate them, I could hear Eric’s voice from down the hall before I even approached the office. 

“For the last time, I don’t give a damn about the rest! I don’t need to know anything else, I just need to know where he is! I can handle the rest.”

“Please be reasonable. This could be something worse, it could be my brother - you don’t understand how much he wants you dead.” Nathaniel was insisting, though almost sounded pained. 

“I don’t care, Nathaniel. Just tell me where my friend is!” 

“Must you always be in such a rush to run off to your death?!” 

This time there was a tense silence and I entered the room to see Nathaniel standing facing the bookshelf. He looked wordlessly frustrated with one hand to his temple while Eric sat with his arms folded in the chair in front of his desk. The tension between them electrified the air uncomfortably as neither seemed willing to give an inch toward compromise. 

“You came back just to torture me didn’t you?” Nathaniel murmured softly under his breath. 

“Is it working?” Eric responded with malice. 

“More than you know.” He muttered more quietly to himself. 

“So tell me where Charles is, and I’ll be gone.” 

“Fine.” Nathaniel agreed at last in a passive aggressive tone, though Eric seemed unaffected. 

He turned then and noticed me for the first time with mild surprise that caused him to hesitate, which in turn caused Eric to look over as well. The three of us stood in awkward silence before Nathaniel recovered enough to continue what he was doing. 

On the desk was a piece of parchment with faint brown markings. Looking at it I realized that the marks were still forming, slowly growing darker to create what looked to be a map. I did wonder briefly if the brown substance was my blood but decided not to ask as Nathaniel took a blade to the paper. He sliced it with purposeful precision and silvery-blue energy came off it like dust along the cut line while the uncut half continued to develop. 

“Don’t call me if you need help.” Nathaniel stated venomously offering the piece he had removed to Eric.

“I won’t.” Eric snapped back, snatching the paper from him as he stood. “Claire, we’re leaving right now.”

For a second I thought of protesting, I wanted the chance to say goodbye to Markos, but it quickly became apparent that Eric wasn’t messing around. We left the office and he led me directly to the garage without saying another word. I had expected that we would take Eric’s black car, however, he grabbed a different set of keys off the hook and moved straight to the red mustang.

“Get in.” He told me firmly and I hesitated. 

“Are we allowed to take that one.. Shouldn’t we take yours?” 

“None of them are mine, I stole the black one last time. This time, I’m stealing the red one, it’s faster and I think it’s Markos’s.” There was mischief in his eyes when he said that and I dared not argue. I was sure Markos wouldn’t mind. 

Now, if I thought Eric’s driving was terrifying before, that was nothing compared to this time. He floored it through the narrow streets of the castle, scraping the paint off the sides of the car at some points, and if the gates hadn’t opened for us I’m sure he would have driven straight through them. He placed the paper on the dash, it was so faint I could hardly see the markings, however he focused unblinkingly forward and I knew we were going to get my brother. Finally.





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Eino54 t1_iy92r03 wrote

Claire, darling, I believe you are girlbossing a little too close to the sun, but I support you fully.


xXKikitoXx OP t1_iyag325 wrote

Thank you! I’m not even close to done though >:) more girlbossing to do!


Eino54 t1_iy91zfb wrote

I don’t think the Queen is going to be sending anyone a letter anytime soon man.

However this seems like the appropriate moment to bring up that she’s still alive. It was getting suspicious though and they didn’t want to arise suspicion over the slightest strange longevity of the former British monarch so they faked her death. She’s still alive though, and now she is free, no longer tied down with royal duties. Lock your doors. Close your windows. Sleep with one eye open. Remember she’s roaming.


GiantLizardsInc t1_iy9dja1 wrote

Markos literally eats people. So do all of them, with the exception of Eric. Human beings. Young children even. Eric and Calla were trained not to show emotion. Calla in particular was beaten savagely if she smiled, for instance. Their very survival depended on it. For Calla it still does.

Nathaniel loves Eric. His family has always disapproved of how tolerant he is about Eric. They all, especially his brother and Marcos, think Eric never should have been permitted to live. They train human pets, always girls before Eric, and kill (and eat!) all the ones that don't prove to be the very best. Eventually they breed them, to carry on thier lineage. I pray you aren't pregnant. The child would be claimed by them, age incredibly slowly, and have magic. You would very likely be killed. Pretty much a guarantee.

Think of them as slave owners, who think of humans as highly as we think of cattle. Nathaniel is like a cattle rancher family's son who chose to be a vegetarian. Markos played you big time. I'm sorry.


xXKikitoXx OP t1_iyaghzx wrote

If I’m pregnant, at least the child support will be good. Can’t imagine a guy who lives in a castle wouldn’t be able to pay up.


Eino54 t1_iy91fjs wrote

I haven’t finished reading this yet but first of all, if the title is what I think it is, you go girl, nothing like a bit of monster-fucking to get your spirits up.



Complete_Stranger97 t1_iy90z5j wrote

Oh no! Oh noooo why Markos! I understand you're under a lot of stress but what if there are repurcussions to this?!

Was he atleast good in bed?


xXKikitoXx OP t1_iyafho8 wrote

The man has great shoulders. And yeah, he was decent. I mean, 9/10 experience?


YCsilver t1_iy9cbj4 wrote

Really starting to dislike Markos... Fingers crossed Charles is in one piece and breathing when found. I do not envy whomever has him and Eric's wrath.


Marcos_Rock t1_iy9d4gl wrote

Well Claire, I expect what you choose next time with more calm your actions because your are not in normal conditions; expect Erick find your brother safe and sound.


brightlydull t1_iy9h94n wrote

Oh Claire.... What have you done?


xXKikitoXx OP t1_iyafukr wrote

Nothing! Everyone is so worried geez I’m fine, and Markos is a good person!


brightlydull t1_iyalsiz wrote

Girl, don't trust him. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself. 😜


xXKikitoXx OP t1_iyb20g1 wrote

Heck yeah! He was just a hook up, not like it’s anything serious hahahaha


danielleshorts t1_iyaiq5h wrote

That was super shitty the way Claire spoke to Eric. I'm glad Calla put her in check.


spooterroo007 t1_iyanzht wrote

So, when's the baby due?


xXKikitoXx OP t1_iyb2c2a wrote

I’m on birth control! :/


lauraD1309 t1_iyd0ttv wrote

Yeah but does that work with the Fae????


xXKikitoXx OP t1_iyd2ki3 wrote

Ill be fair, I don’t know. Y’all want me to take a pregnancy test or something? 😂


HECK_OF_PLIMP t1_iyc5lm5 wrote

oh noooo OP I havent finished reading this but based on the title and where this is going... please tell me you didn't bang Markos??


AuroraWolfMelody t1_iydi694 wrote

No judgement here but maybe you don't EVER tell Eric what happened with Markos... just a thought. He WILL get your brother back though. No doubt.


xXKikitoXx OP t1_iydjeu6 wrote

Why would I tell him anyway? It's not his business who I sleep with, so I definitely won't be telling him haha


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