Submitted by RobertMort t3_yzq5zx in nosleep

I first noticed it in a photo from Kasey’s birthday party.

There was a group photo of us, all huddled together, smiling for the camera. But between me and Jack, you could see a man sitting at a table behind us.

He was hiding his face in his hands.

“Guess that guy doesn’t like to be photographed,” Jack laughed.


“Makes sense though. Who wants strangers having a picture of you, you know? Especially with all the weird facial recognition and stuff cameras do nowadays?”

It was still weird, though. Looking at the picture sent chills down my spine. I mean, his face was turned directly towards the camera. If he really didn’t want to be photographed, couldn’t he have just tilted his head way down or put the menu in front of it?

Why the creepy “weeping angels” pose?

But some people are weird about being photographed. My brother never smiles for family photos, just to annoy my mom. One of my college friends has to have like five pounds of makeup on her face before she’s willing to be in a photo.

Maybe this guy always hid his face in his hands like that. He thought he was being funny or something.

And so I forgot about it.

A few days later, though…

I went to the grocery store after work. I passed a little girl in the bread aisle, standing next to her mom.

As I passed, I looked down to give her a little wave—

And stopped dead.

She was hiding her face in her hands.

Just like the guy in the photograph. Relax, she’s probably just crying about something, I told myself, as I hurried away.

But then why was her face turning in time with mine?

As though she were watching me, between the cracks in her fingers?

I threw my groceries on the conveyor belt. The cashier raised her eyebrow as the carton of eggs fell with a loud rattling sound.


“I’m in a hurry,” I breathed as I ran over to the keypad and stuck my card in.

It had started to rain. Light, pattering raindrops fell on the windshield, bleeding into little rivers that distorted the road before me. *Swish—*I turned on the wipers and they swept through.

I couldn’t stop my fingers from frenetically tapping the wheel.

You have to calm down.

Don’t let this be like last time.

I rushed into the house, the rain a downpour now. By the time I got inside, my shirt was damp, sticking to my skin.

“Jenny? You’re back earl—”

I raced up the stairs and ran into the bathroom. My hands shook as I grabbed a pill bottle out of the medicine cabinet. The pills rattled loudly inside, like a warning sign. And the letters printed across it read EXP 04/21.

But I couldn't. I just couldn't.

"Jenny?" Jack called through the door. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just... have a bad headache."

I spent the rest of the evening wrapped up in a blanket, watching some stupid Hallmark movie, as Jack listened to some podcast downstairs. And now--I don't know if it was time, or the meds--I almost laughed at the incident earlier.

I almost had a panic attack because some little girl was crying at the store?

So stupid.

God forbid someday I'll actually have real problems, real things to panic about.

I fell into a peaceful, dreamless sleep. The next morning I went to work as usual. That was a good sign--last time I'd had a panic attack, I'd had to call in sick.

I took the elevator up to the fifth floor, humming to myself. Sat down in my office and worked on emails for an hour over coffee.

And then it happened.

Taking a little break, I walked over to the window. I looked down at all the people, hurrying along on the sidewalks down below--

But one was standing still.

A woman. In a black dress. Looking straight up at me.

But of course, she wasn't actually looking. Because her hands were hiding her face. In that same, creepy, peekaboo pose that the other two had.

The blood drained out of my face.

What. The. Fuck.

I backed away from the window. Kept backing away until my leg collided with my desk. I yelped as I fell backwards, grabbing the edge of the desk just at the last second.

Breathing hard, I collapsed into the chair.

I left work early, claiming I felt sick, and got into bed for the rest of the day. I kept telling myself that I shouldn’t freak out, and there were perfectly good reasons for what I’d seen.


Flash mob.

Weird conspiracy plot by my ex-boyfriend to scare me.

The doorbell ringing snapped me out of my thoughts. Jack was still at work so I went downstairs. My hand fell on the doorknob, and I was about to open it… but something in me made me pause. A sort of itchy, tingly feeling, like I was being watched.

I lifted my face and brought my eye to the peephole.


There on the front porch stood our elderly neighbor, Mrs. Rose. Except—her face was hidden in her hands. Just like all the other people I’d seen. That creepy, peekaboo pose, wrinkled spotted hands covering her face.

I drew the deadbolt and ran upstairs.

I’ve been sitting up here for an hour now, waiting for Jack to come home. But part of me is terrified. What if, when he comes inside… he’s hiding his face too?

What then?

Part 2

Part 3 Final



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CandiBunnii t1_ix1tk2b wrote

Can I ask what exactly those pills you take are for?

I feel like that may potentially explain some things.


LavenderBoombox t1_ix1xic0 wrote

jesus christ this is terrifying

honestly id try to facetime him (or discord/zoom call?) him when hes already in the house; cant answer the phone and be on camera AND hide your face at the same time


randauum t1_ix2av29 wrote

Welp, that it Charlie! We're moving!


Remarkable_Cable_805 t1_ix2dycp wrote

They just want to touch you and transport you to a different era. No big deal.


Makomako_mako t1_ix2g7su wrote

Fuck dude, you aren't coming undone

Trust your gut something sounds fucked up


monkner t1_ix2k0bp wrote

I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m reading this story with my face covered, looking between my fingers. I see you!


Blonded-Sinclair t1_ix2ozk3 wrote

What kind of pills were they? Did she have an underlying condition where she needs to take them?


azuldelmar t1_ix2p4tj wrote

Oh my this is bad - if I were you I would try to start documenting all of it, because it seems like you aren’t the only person seeing it


tmn-loveblue t1_ix2qaii wrote

Very good point. A case of hallucination would explain all of these problems. Perhaps no one was ever hiding their faces, even in the original photograph, the friend may be seeing the man tilting his head down or something but OP seeing him covering his face.


HoneyMCMLXXIII t1_ix2qtr9 wrote

That would scare the f out of me too! I hope everything works out!


krik7 t1_ix37k18 wrote

If some people want to hide their faces for whatever mysterious reason, just let them... Why are you feeling bothered so much? It's a mad, mad world... None of us are quite sane, I can assure you... Be at peace... Best wishes... ✌🏻


digoryj t1_ix38yv9 wrote

They are giving you a message. Keep your face hidden. There are ones that are after your face. The one’s covering have already lost theirs. Heed their warning.


Trick_Drawer_9192 t1_ix3lj6q wrote

Might be the spirit of her ancestors trying to connect to her childhood... You know peekaboo!


meattenderizerr t1_ix3wulj wrote

If his hands are covering his face he can't open the door right?


kroniklesofkevin t1_ix3y7zo wrote

its possible that you might be part of a secret underground organisation. Maybe you are actually undercover as a sleeper agent, and this is their way of awakening you in time for the revolution.


tina_marie1018 t1_ix46dry wrote

You should stop, take a couple of really deep breaths and ASK them Why they are covering their faces. They might be trying to let you know that you have something on your face.

Please keep us updated if you do decide to ask one of the Peekaboo players.


Anthiss t1_ix4qyap wrote

Yup. That's some weeping angels shit. Don't let them touch you.


sloan2001 t1_ix53wj7 wrote

This is too close to some paranoia Im going through. Who are you? HOW DO YOU KNOW ME?!


ip_ip_ip_tsha_ik t1_ix55u1u wrote

then don't try to stare at people if they don't want to be seen!!1!!1


SamaelNox t1_ix6gzyn wrote

Hey you know your meds are expired right?


Lacygreen t1_ix6oxoh wrote

Maybe ask them what’s up? Could be a new TikTok trend or something.


potatoish-pooh t1_ix941td wrote

Maybe Jack is behind all this, you should check the food or anything that you consumed.


stragedyandy t1_ixby1sj wrote

So, I hate to point this out but it sounds like these incidents are escalating in frequency. How long have you been off your meds?


mike8596 t1_iy3nmah wrote

I think I would have asked the neighbor "what's with the hands?".

At least you know her.