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aphibacus192000 OP t1_ixbshl0 wrote

I appreciate this advice, but guys don't really take the whole "I know how this ends already" thing very well. And besides, I don't want to mess up the good thing I could have with him.

And that's fine, an intense (but hopefully brief) struggle might just be worth it for the life I could have with him.


CoffeeBeanx3 t1_ixbtrcs wrote

I didn't mean this in a "I know you'll murder me" convo, but as in a "if I get terminally ill and need end of life care" way 😂 That could give him some better ideas


chronotrigs t1_ixc2izp wrote

Could be tough to get the conversation to the point you want, like 'So weird out of the blue thought... You know suffocating with pillows? Yeah, if I ever get assisted death, that's out'.


Snow-13 t1_ixccw1p wrote

It's funny you say that, though. Because when I was dating my very first serious boyfriend, I actually asked him the question.... "If you had to kill me, how would you do it?" I was only 13 years old! Lol.

I remember that day quite vividly and it's been 31 years since that conversation took place. We were swimming in the pool in his backyard,the two of us, with one of my best girlfriends. Sun shining bright on that beautiful June day in 1992! I remember all of that, but don't ask me wtf I did last week, or even yesterday. Because I can't recall. Lol.

I have always had this macabre fascination with things. So, I genuinely wanted to know what he would do if he had to. It was an interesting answer, I think. Based on who I knew him to be at the time, and who he really is. Anyway, I'm tired and I'm getting myself sidetracked. Sorry.

He said he would do it painlessly, with some sort of medication to make me sleepy so that I would not feel a thing. That he would hold me close and keep me in his arms until I was gone. No pain, no struggle, just loved. We had to badger him for the answer, but he gave it.

I guess my rambling ass point is this, that it may seem like a weird thing to bring up in conversation. But, for me, that's just another normal topic for discussion. There's nothing weird about it coming from me. My friends and family know that, though.

Edited to add, so I would just bring it up casually, if I were OP. Can't be that weird. Unless OP hides all aspects of the gifts they possess. Personally, I don't. I'm open with most people in my life.


MorgFanatic52 t1_ixfr7fv wrote

Questions like this make me think of the infamous “If I was a worm, would you still love me?” 😂


nightforday t1_ixh2w67 wrote

That's actually a really sweet answer, especially for a ~13-year-old! Now I know how I want to be murdered.


Foublanc t1_ixjgklf wrote

Tell us more please. Who is he really ? A caregiver ? An anesthetist ?


aphibacus192000 OP t1_ixbub57 wrote


Then yeah I could talk to him about that.


Eastern-Ad-4785 t1_ixd121l wrote

But had you aged in your vision?


Otie1983 t1_ixf2jfi wrote

While ideally, yeah, I hope she has many years to go… terminal illness can strike at any age… that said, if it were a terminal illness that early intervention could help with… regular check ups and testing could make this whole thing a moot point


CandiBunnii t1_ixc4mon wrote

My thoughts exactly!

I figured it was an aggressive terminal illness and she just wanted to go out on her own terms.

OP, did it look like you'd aged any significant amount in the vision?


Snow-13 t1_ixc5a9y wrote

I wondered that myself.


CandiBunnii t1_ixc5etn wrote

I know changing the future can be messy, but a little medical check up every couple months couldn't hurt if an illness Is the case.

Even if she can't change the outcome she can use the time she has left to the fullest!


LeEpiclyUnepic t1_ixdxtzw wrote

I know you already agreed to talk to him about it, but just saying, deaths like that don't usually feel brief.

As someone who almost drowned, it's terrifying and probably the most uncomfortable you'll ever be in your life. And a few minutes can feel like an eternity when your body is fighting for its life.

Try something like sleeping pills, or any death that won't have you be conscious for it.